Vietnam is a socialist state in Southeast Asia, washed by the South China Sea and bordered by Laos, Cambodia, and China. Over the past decades, the country's economy has undergone a significant transformation. Dependence on the agricultural sector, which now accounts for no more than 18% of GDP, has noticeably decreased. The growth rate of industrial production increases every year. The local authorities are focused on modernizing the economy, increasing competitiveness and increasing foreign trade.

The population of Vietnam in 2025 is about 101 million people. At the same time, unemployment does not exceed 2-4%. This is an impressive figure, given that the labor force increases by an average of 1 million people each year. Poverty rates have dropped significantly, investment is being attracted into the country, and many foreigners are quite successful in finding jobs in the local labor market.

Work in Vietnam

Jobs in Vietnam in 2025 for foreigners are available both to qualified specialists, especially those with technical professions, and to workers without special qualifications, say, in the tourism industry. Salaries are not as high compared to employment in China or, in particular, in Hong Kong, but every year the income of the Vietnamese and, therefore, foreign applicants are only increasing.

Vietnam has thousands of miles of beautiful beaches, beautiful lakes, modern infrastructure and great food, perhaps the best in Asia. The country has almost recovered from the difficult periods of its history associated with the wars, today it is quite safe and comfortable conditions for life. Next, let's look at the features of labor migration, options for finding a job, as well as outline the available salaries and jobs in Vietnam in 2025.

Labor migration to Vietnam

Despite the stability of the economy and the growth of employment, the Vietnamese government seeks to provide jobs, above all, to its own citizens. In principle, like most other countries in the world. However, the opening of new sectors of production, the development of the service sector and the arrival of many international companies in the country require the availability of specialists of different professions and skill levels, which opens up access to jobs in Vietnam for foreign applicants.

The main requirement for foreigners to be officially employed in Vietnam for more than 3 months is to obtain a work permit from the local Ministry of Labor. Officially foreign applicants have the right to apply for a document directly in the Vietnamese territory (no later than 3 months after arrival) or while in their home country, which is more preferable.

The main conditions for granting a work permit in Vietnam

  • Age at least 18 years.

  • Satisfactory health condition allowing the fulfillment of professional duties.

  • No criminal record in the country of residence and, of course, in Vietnam.

  • Higher education and at least 5 years of work experience in a field that is in short supply in the Vietnamese labor market. Primarily managers, executives and qualified technicians are required.

If the above criteria are met and there is a specific job offer from a local company, which is a prerequisite, you must prepare a list of required documentation, which is translated into Vietnamese and notarized. As a rule, the employer assists in transferring the documents to the local authorities.

Labor migration to Vietnam

Documents for obtaining a work permit in Vietnam

  1. Completed application form (in Vietnamese or English).

  2. Copy of foreign passport.

  3. Two color photographs (4 cm x 6 cm) taken within the last 6 months.

  4. A job offer and corresponding request from the employer.

  5. Medical certificate issued by an authorized medical institution, valid for at least 12 months.

  6. Copies of education and qualifications.

  7. Certificate of no criminal record in the home country and in Vietnam, in case of residence in the country for more than one month.

Documents are sent to the Ministry of Labor of Vietnam no later than two weeks before the start of employment, but it is advisable to do it at least two months in advance. Officially the application is considered no more than 7 working days and in case of a positive decision the foreigner receives a work permit for up to 2 years. The document is extended by the employer no later than 30 days before the expiration of the previous permit for the same period, but on the condition that local specialists do not apply for this place.

Who does not need a work permit in Vietnam

  • Foreigners with at least a bachelor's degree and work experience of not less than 3 years for short-term employment for up to 30 days and a total of not more than 90 days within a year.

  • In the case of a transfer between companies in the following fields – information technology, business, education, construction, health care, environment, finance, transportation, tourism and entertainment.

  • To owners or board members of Vietnamese companies.

  • Lawyers, if officially licensed.

  • Employees of foreign media.

  • Teachers on the basis of international agreements and under the supervision of foreign embassies.

  • Interns and employees of international volunteer organizations.

There are different options for obtaining visas to Vietnam, for example, you can do it at the airport upon arrival, and for some foreigners visiting the country for up to 14 days do not require a visa. However, in the case of long-term employment it is better to open a visa in advance at the Vietnamese Consulate in your country, which will allow you to replace the document with a full residence permit in Vietnam after the move.

The whole process of labor migration is quite complicated, so you must carefully coordinate with the employees of the diplomatic office of Vietnam and the employer. In addition, the country frequently changes laws regarding the employment of foreign workers, for example, the most recent changes are dated April 2016.

How to find a job in Vietnam. Job Search.

How to find a job in Vietnam

To successfully find a job in Vietnam for foreigners is very important to visit the country beforehand on a tourist visa. This will allow you to experience the atmosphere of local life, to understand the cultural values and traditions of the Vietnamese. For example, many Europeans are shocked by the tens of thousands of motorcycles in the city streets, noise and bustle everywhere. Pay attention to language skills. The official language in the country is Vietnamese, but English is used quite widely.

In general, the local authorities allow foreigners to stay in Vietnam for up to 3 months in order to find an employer. This time may be quite enough, but without the knowledge of the Vietnamese language and connections, the task is greatly complicated. Provided you are in your own country, you will need patience and activity on the Internet. Look for like-minded people on forums and specialized sites, ask questions to experienced migrant workers with experience in Vietnam. Register in a professional social network -

Most of the jobs in Vietnam for foreigners are available in international companies that open representative offices and branches in this Asian country. First of all, aim for employment in large and economically developed Vietnamese regions - the capital Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Next, let's look at the main ways to look for jobs in Vietnam without intermediaries.

Popular Vietnamese job search sites

International resources with jobs in Vietnam

If you can't find a job in Vietnam on your own, contact a recruitment agency, preferably an international one, such as

Jobs and wages in Vietnam

Jobs and wages in Vietnam

Currently, the standard of living of the Vietnamese is noticeably lower compared to Western and developed Asian countries. Say a job in South Korea or Japan will bring a foreigner a significantly higher income. On the other hand, the cost of living, prices and other daily expenses in Vietnam to some extent smooth out these differences. The fact that in the past 15 years the government has reduced the poverty rate from 58% to 14% and overcome unemployment speaks volumes. In the long run, working in Vietnam looks quite attractive.

Vietnamese are mostly employed in services and agriculture, engineering, food and manufacturing, garment and shoe making. Depending on the region, the minimum monthly wage for a local worker in 2025 ranges from 3.45 to 4.96 million Vietnamese dong, the equivalent of 135-190 euros. The average salary in Vietnam in 2025 is 7,6 million dong or 295 euros per month. As a rule, foreigners occupy positions of skilled professionals, respectively, can count on a salary of 500-1,000 euros per month and above.

Available jobs in Vietnam for foreigners in 2025 year by area of activity

  • Information Technology

  • Construction

  • Tourism

  • Energy

  • English Language Teaching

  • Finance and Law

  • Mining

The most prestigious jobs in Vietnam for foreigners offer international companies and organizations, where you can earn more than 800-1,000 euros per month. In particular, you need senior managers and other executives, as well as technicians with high qualifications. Sometimes doctors are needed, especially dentists.

Every year a large number of tourists visit Vietnamese resorts. Local employers are happy to employ foreigners, for example, there are jobs in Vietnam for guides, diving instructors, hotel administrators, tour guides, less often, waiters, bartenders, cooks. Pay attention to jobs in Nha Trang, where there are traditionally a lot of tourists. Remuneration in these areas starts from 150-200 euros and higher, as you're lucky.


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