For many years the capital of Austria – Vienna has been a leader in all kinds of world ratings of cities where the most comfortable and quality living conditions are created. Actually every corner of this small country with a population of about 9 million people evokes only positive emotions and attracts potential immigrants from different countries.

After visiting Austria for tourist purposes there is a strong desire to stay here forever, and to find a place to rest in the Austrian lands can be to any taste, it is a vast mountains, and magnificent lakes, and many gardens and parks. On condition of a longer stay in Austria, for example, during professional activity or studying at a local university, this desire only increases.

Citizenship of Austria

The final point of immigration to Austria is to obtain citizenship of this without exaggeration amazing country. In addition, economic development, military and political neutrality and favorable geographical location in the center of Europe, make the Austrian passport one of the most prestigious in the world.

However, obtaining Austrian citizenship is not an easy procedure, especially for foreigners from third countries. The process takes quite a long time and requires fulfillment of a number of conditions. Let's consider the main options for registration, requirements for candidates and the list of documents for Austrian citizenship in 2025.

How to obtain Austrian citizenship

First of all, let us answer the question that quite often interests foreigners who plan to get an Austrian passport. Namely, how the issue of dual citizenship is regulated in Austria. The answer is as follows: the local law "On Citizenship" prohibits being a citizen of several countries at the same time, except in two cases:

  • Special authorization if the foreigner is of special interest to Austria. For example, for outstanding achievements in sports, culture or science.

  • Personal reasons, sometimes native Austrians are allowed to leave the passport of their native country if there are good reasons.

Today there are several options to obtain Austrian citizenship. The most common way for foreigners to go through the naturalization procedure. At the same time it is the longest and most labor-intensive process. Let's take a closer look.

Austrian citizenship by naturalization

The main requirements:

  1. Period of continuous residence in Austria.

    • 30 years. Citizenship is granted without any additional conditions.

    • 15 years. Austrian passport will be issued in case of permanent labor activity on the territory of the country and sufficient adaptation to local life. It means basic knowledge of the basic laws, state structure, German language, history and cultural customs of the state.

    • 10 years. To obtain citizenship it will be necessary to stay legally in Austria with a residence permit for at least 5 years within a total period of ten years.

    • 6 years. The following persons may apply for an expedited Austrian passport:

      • spouses of an Austrian citizen, provided they have been married for at least 5 years;

      • refugees;

      • citizens of countries of the Common Economic Space;

      • persons born in Austria;

      • particularly valuable foreigners (athletes, scientists, artists, etc.);

      • persons with a German language proficiency at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference;

      • foreigners who demonstrate a profound adaptation process in Austrian society. Proof of this can be, for example, professional activity for at least 3 years in the medical field or volunteer work.

  2. Knowledge of German at a level of at least B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference. A corresponding certificate, usually obtained in Austria, must be submitted. It is not necessary to prove the language to persons from German-speaking countries or if they have studied in this language at school or university.
  3. A successfully passed test on the knowledge of the history and basic laws of Austria and the region where the foreigner resides. Foreign minors and persons with physical or psychological disabilities are exempted from the examination, which is confirmed by a medical certificate.

  4. Absence of criminal record, gross administrative offenses, open criminal cases.

  5. Availability of a stable and regular source of income. The average income for three years within the past 6 years is taken into account, but taking into account the last 6 months.

  6. The candidate must not pose a threat to the national security and public order of Austria, must renounce previous citizenship, demonstrate the desire to benefit the Austrian society and respect European values.

Documents for Austrian citizenship

Austrian citizenship by birth

The following persons receive an Austrian passport:

  • children born in marriage if one of the parents is an Austrian citizen;

  • children born out of wedlock if the mother holds an Austrian passport.

There are other, more specific ways to acquire Austrian citizenship, such as reacquisition or by declaration. Here we mean the acquisition of a passport by former Austrian citizens who, for one reason or another, had to leave the country or renounce Austrian citizenship.

It is worth noting that the Austrian government allows the procedure of accelerated citizenship for foreign investors, provided that an impressive amount of funds is injected into the Austrian economy. Specifically, not less than 10 million euros. And investments must be direct, the purchase of real estate or government bonds is not accepted.

Documents for Austrian citizenship

Depending on the grounds for obtaining Austrian citizenship, the nationality of the applicant, place of residence and other factors, the list of documents may be adjusted. However, in most cases, the following requirements are made:

  1. Personal written application for Austrian citizenship.

  2. A passport-type color photograph.

  3. A detailed biography of the applicant, including place of birth, countries of residence, education, employment and family life. This item applies to all persons over 14 years of age.

  4. Acts of civil status. That is, certificates of birth, marriage, divorce, death of previous spouses, change of surnames.

  5. All documents confirming the legality of stay in Austria from the moment of first entry into the country and up to the present time.

  6. Diplomas of education obtained both abroad and in Austria.

  7. Proof of legal sources of income for the last 3 years.

  8. Certificates of no criminal record for the last 20 years from all countries where the candidate has lived for more than half a year.

  9. Valid health insurance in Austria.

  10. Proof of German language proficiency at the legally established level.

  11. Registration documents proving residence in Austria.

The documents must be submitted in the original and must be authenticated or contain an Apostille stamp. In addition, a translation into German, certified by an Austrian specialist, is mandatory.

Advantages of Austrian passport

  • Life in a country with high social standards, quality medicine and favorable climate.

  • Wide business opportunities and access to the European credit system.

  • Free movement between Schengen countries and visa-free regime with many countries of the world.

  • Opportunity to hold public office in Austria and participate in elections.

  • Unlimited right to employment and education both in Austria and in Europe.

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