United Arab Emirates (UAE) is located on the Arabian Peninsula along the southern coast of the Persian Gulf. It borders Saudi Arabia in the southwest and Oman in the east. It is a very rich country with a high standard of living, which is ensured mainly by oil sales. More than 75% of the workforce in the UAE are migrant workers from around the world.

The population of the UAE is about 10 million people. The official language is Arabic, but English is very common, especially in international companies, which are represented in large numbers in this country. The Emirates is a relatively liberal state and the most important financial and economic center of the whole Middle East.

Next, find out what salaries in the UAE (Dubai) in 2024.

Minimum and average salary in the UAE (Dubai)

The official minimum wage is not set in the UAE. In the capital Abu Dhabi and the largest city in Dubai, there is no such indicator either. Usually, the minimum wage is the result of agreements between the employer and the individual employee, and the amount is fixed in the employment contract.

Important. According to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization of UAE, the government does not plan to introduce the minimum wage in the country in the near future.

According to local analytical agencies, the minimum wage in the UAE in 2024 ranges from 600-3000 dirhams per month, which is equivalent to 165-815 U.S. dollars. To a large extent, the rate depends on the qualification of the employee and the company itself.

Note. According to UAE labor law (Article 59), no employee should be forced to buy any food or goods from stores owned by the employer. In addition, without the employee's consent, the employer is not allowed to transfer salaries from monthly to weekly, daily or hourly rates.

International human resources organizations estimate that the average salary in the UAE (Dubai) in 2024 is about 16,500 dirhams per month, which corresponds to $4,490. It all depends on the company, as well as the qualification, education and experience of the employee, and in many cases on the ability to negotiate and even nationality. According to statistics, Europeans earn more in the UAE than citizens of Asia and Africa.


Profession Dirhams per month Dollars per month
Dentist 39,120 10,650
Company Director 37,450 10,195
Finance Director 35,090 9,550
Sales Manager 25,740 7,010
Hotel Manager 24,450 6,655
HR Manager 22,700 6,180
Lawyer 24,020 6,540
Pilot 20,690 5,630
Pharmacist 18,420 5,015
Mechanical Engineer 16,920 4,605
Journalist 16,890 4,600
Electrical Engineer 16,225 4,415
Civil engineer 15,315 4,170
Architect 15,000 4,080
Developer/Programmer 14,910 4,060
Stewardess 14,590 3,970
Biomedical engineer 14,120 3,845
Nurse 13,850 3,770
High school teacher 13,300 3,620
Travel agent 13,275 3,615
Chef 13,605 3,705
Police officer 12,700 3,455
Photograph 11,485 3,125
Accountant 11,400 3,105
Elementary school teacher 11,185 3,045
Graphic Designer 11,090 3,020
Trade Representative 10,990 2,990
Waiter 10,070 2,740
Cashier 9,930 2,700
Secretary 9,360 2,550
Porter 9,340 2,540
Administrative Assistant 8,780 2,390

University graduates can expect a minimum income in the UAE of 12,000 dirhams per month, a secondary school diploma guarantees 5,000 dirhams and in total qualified professionals receive at least 7,000 dirhams.


Economic sector Dirhams per month Dollars per month
Jurisprudence 19,500-130,000 5,310-35,390
Finance and accounting 9,000-65,000 2,450-17,695
Oil/gas 25,000-58,000 6,805-15,790
Information Technologies 10,000-50,000 2,720-13,610
Real Estate and Construction 25,000-45,000 6,805-12,250
Retail trade 8,000-35,000 2,180-9,530
Production/logistics 10,000-35,000 2,720-9,530
Personnel management 12,000-30,000 3,265-8,165

In conclusion, we note that the Emirates has no income tax. The working week begins on Sunday and ends on Thursday. The working day lasts 8 hours. Local authorities take effective measures to modernize the economy and reduce dependence on the oil industry. The sphere of tourism, construction and information technologies is actively developing.

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