Ireland is a very beautiful country, located in the north-western part of Europe, next to Great Britain. It occupies the most part of the island of the same name, borders with Northern Ireland and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the west, north, and south. It is a very developed and rich state with a high standard of living and strong economy.

The population of Ireland is only 5.1 million people. The unemployment does not exceed 4-5%, and among young people it reaches 8%. There are 56.8 thousand men and 59.7 thousand women unemployed in the country. The most popular professions are programmers, doctors, financiers and business analysts. Next, find out what the salary in Ireland in 2024.

Salary in Ireland

Minimum salary in Ireland

The minimum income that Irish workers can count on is regulated by Ireland's national Minimum Wage Act of 2000. In certain sectors, rates are regulated by special agreements.

According to the Irish Department of Employment and Social Security, the official minimum wage in Ireland from 1 January 2024 is 12.70 euros per hour. However, for young professionals hourly rates are calculated as a percentage of the base amount:

  • up to 18 years – 8.89 euros (70%)

  • 18 years – 10.16 euros (80%)

  • 19 years – 11.43 euros (90%)

If an employer in Ireland provides food and accommodation to an employee, the following amounts may be included in the calculation of the minimum wage: 1.14 euros per hour (meals) and 30 euros per week/4.28 euros per day (accommodation).

Average salary in Ireland

According to the official data of the Irish Central Statistical Office, the average salary in Ireland in 2024 is 921.81 euros per week, which is 2.1% more compared to the same period last year (902.56 euros). The hourly rate is 28.43 euros. Before paying taxes the Irish earn 3,995 euros per month, and after all deductions remains 3,000 euros.

The highest average weekly earnings in Ireland are in the information and communications sector (1,512.16 euros), as well as finance, insurance and real estate transactions (1,256.31 euros). The lowest income is generated by accommodation and food services (408.63 euros) and by the arts, entertainment and recreation (582.36 euros).

The average wage in Ireland in the public sector is 1,112.29 euros per week. The private sector earns €863.53. Overall, Irish workers' earnings have increased by 21.7% over 5 years, from €786.33 in 2019 to €921.81 in 2024.


Sector of economy Euro per week
Information and communication 1,512.16
Finance, insurance and real estate 1,256.31
Public administration and defence 1,117.40
Professional, scientific and technical activities 1,084.91
Manufacturing 1,008.52
Education 999.83
Construction 939.74
Human health and social work 868.34
Transportation and storage 862.62
Administrative and support services 703.99
Wholesale and retail trade 652.08
Art, entertainment, recreation and other services 582.36
Accommodation and food service 408.63

Favorable economic situation in Ireland, including high salaries, is largely due to the influx of skilled labor migrants. For example, according to local authorities, only in the field of information technology in recent years, about half of new jobs were occupied by foreign specialists. Moreover, work in Ireland attracts not only applicants from Central and Eastern Europe, but also from many EU countries, including Italy, Spain and Croatia.

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