The quality and efficiency of the health care system is a major indicator of a nation's well-being. In most of the developed and wealthy countries of the world, medical care has reached very high levels, which contributes to longer life expectancy and generally makes people happier.

The countries with the best medicine are universal, that is, the health of the nation is ensured through a number of factors, including disease prevention, timely and accessible medical care, highly qualified doctors and modern equipment in health care institutions.

Based on the actual data of the Legatum Institute in London, which is considered one of the leading international analytical centers, we will select the countries with the best medicine in 2024.

Note. Legatum Institute analysts compare 149 countries according to more than 100 parameters. In respect to medicine, first of all, the mental and physical health of the population, the level of medical infrastructure and the availability of preventive care are taken into account.


1. Luxembourg
2. Singapore
3. Switzerland
4. Japan
5. Austria
6. Sweden
7. Norway
8. Netherlands
9. Hong Kong
10. Australia




The country with the best medicine in the world in 2024 is Luxembourg. A small state with a population of about 659 thousand people, located next to France, Germany and Belgium, has a very high quality system of public health care, which covers up to 99% of citizens. Its basic principles are compulsory medical insurance and free choice of service providers. On average, Luxembourgers and permanent residents are reimbursed from 80 to 100% of the cost of treatment. In terms of nominal GDP per capita, Luxembourg is the richest country in Europe.

Life expectancy in Luxembourg is 82 years (84 for women and 80 for men).



The second place in the ranking of countries with the best medicine is Singapore. One of the four "Asian tigers" provides its citizens not only a high standard of living, but also an efficient health care system. It is financed both through national insurance schemes and through budget subsidies and the Central Provident Fund. In Singapore's public expenditure structure, health care ranks third after defense and education.

Life expectancy in Singapore is 83 years (86 for women and 80 for men).



Switzerland is a very beautiful, rich and, importantly, healthy country. Almost all residents of the state have compulsory health insurance policies. It is precisely the features of this document that determine the choice of clinic and particular region where a person may undergo treatment. Cheaper policies usually do not cover dental services and significantly limit the range of doctors. Despite the rather expensive health care, when potential immigrants choose which country to live in, Switzerland is the first country that comes to mind.

Life expectancy in Switzerland is 83 years (85 for women, 81 for men).



According to the World Health Organization and many other independent studies, the Japanese live the longest in the world. For example, on the island of Okinawa alone there are over 400 registered long-livers who have celebrated their centenary. This is largely due not only to good nutrition, good ecology and an active lifestyle, but also to the quality of medicine in Japan. Local clinics charge no more than 10-30% of the cost of services and the balance is paid by the government. All Japanese citizens are required by law to have health insurance.

Life expectancy in Japan is 85 years (87 for women and 82 for men).



Austria is at the bottom of the list of Top 5 countries with the best medicine. The country has a two-tier system of health care. Most residents enjoy the services of state clinics, but some prefer to pay for treatment privately. It should be noted that for many years, the Austrian capital - Vienna, tops the list of the best cities to live in the world. And not only because of cultural and economic factors, but also because of quality medicine.

Life expectancy in Austria is 81 years (84 for women and 78 for men).



Almost all Scandinavian countries rank the highest in Europe in terms of standard of living, average wages and quality of medicine. Sweden leads in the latter point. The health care system in the country is financed by taxes and provides equal access to medical services for every citizen. Thanks to a significant reduction in mortality from heart attacks and strokes, life expectancy for men in Sweden is now among the highest in the world.

Life expectancy in Sweden is 82 years (84 for women and 80 for men).



Norway is another northern country with excellent medical care. All Norwegian citizens are covered by the National Insurance System, and private medical services are limited. The lion's share of local clinics is funded and owned by the state. The Norwegian government's health care expenditures per person are higher than in most other countries on the planet.

Life expectancy in Norway is 82 years (84 for women and 80 for men).



Healthcare system in the Kingdom of the Netherlands is divided into three parts: long-term care for chronic diseases, basic and emergency medical care (temporary hospital stays, doctor's appointments), additional services (physiotherapy, cosmetology, dentistry). In the first case, the costs are covered by compulsory public insurance. In the second, private insurance is usually used. In the third, additional payments may be required.

Life expectancy in the Netherlands is 81 years (83 for women and 80 for men).


Hong Kong

By some estimates, people in Hong Kong live longer than in Japan. This highly developed autonomous region of China has an excellent infrastructure with many well-kept parks. Restaurants offer healthy eating options, and hiking trails and beachfront locations are close by. Clinics are equipped with modern equipment and provide quality health services. According to the local authorities, no person in Hong Kong can be denied medical assistance due to lack of funds.

Life expectancy in Hong Kong is 84 years (87 for women and 81 for men).



Australia is an amazingly beautiful country with the richest representation of flora and fauna, as well as a healthy and active population. Comfortable climate, good ecology and high quality medical services allow Australians to live a very long life in comparison with most other regions of the world. Healthcare in Australia is provided by private and public clinics, and the costs are covered by private insurance and government subsidies. To a lesser extent, treatment is paid for by patients on an individual basis.

Life expectancy in Australia is 82 years (84 for women and 80 for men).

In conclusion it should be noted that in the rating of countries with the best medicine the post-Soviet countries rank very low. For example, Ukraine ranks 135th, Russia 102nd and Belarus 86th. The situation is even more deplorable in the poorest countries of the world, mostly African, which are located in the last places - Guinea, Chad and CAR.

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