The Republic of South Africa (South Africa) is the southernmost country on the African continent, bordered to the north by Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe, and to the northeast by Mozambique and Eswatini. It is one of the most beautiful countries on the planet. It has a unique diversity of flora and fauna, fascinating coastal areas and stunning wildlife.

Salary in South Africa

South Africa is considered the most prosperous and economically developed country in Africa, which is partly confirmed by its membership in such a famous world association as the G20. It is the only representative of the African continent. That is why today not only tens of thousands of tourists are sent here, but also a large number of migrant workers. Next, let's find out what is the salary in South Africa in 2024.

Minimum salary in South Africa

According to official South African government data, the national minimum wage in South Africa in 2024 is 27.58 rand per hour or 4,780 rand per month, which at the current exchange rate is 1.5 and 265 dollars. The rate has been in effect since March. Some categories of workers have different rates (rand per hour):

  • agricultural workers (forestry sector) – 18

  • wholesale and retail trade – 25.42 to 67.95

  • hotel sector – 20 to 22.25

  • construction workers – from 41.72 to 84.98

  • cleaners (contract work) – 23.50 to 27.97

Important. The South African Law "The National Minimum Wage Act " was approved in November 2018, and entered into force on January 1, 2019. The document provides for an annual review of the order and size of benefits and minimum wage rates.

Average salary in South Africa

According to the South African Statistics Service, the average wage in South Africa in 2024 is 26,032 rand per month (about $1,380). Local workers are paid about 312,384 rand ($16,270) annually. Compared to the same period last year, the average wage in South Africa has increased by 2,050 rand ($105).

According to the BankservAfrica clearinghouse, after taxes South African workers earn an average of 15,542 rand per month (about $985). The highest monthly wages in South Africa are recorded in the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning (54,881 rand), the lowest in the knitting industry (12,134 rand).


Sector of economy Rands per month Dollars per month
Supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning 54,881 3,475
Transportation and storage 31,946 2,020
Public, social and personal services 31,630 2,000
Finance, insurance, real estate and business services 31,183 1,975
Mining 30,664 1,940
Manufacturing 24,172 1,530
Construction 21,884 1,385
Wholesale and retail trade 18,215 1,155
Clothing industry 12,134 770

Note. Information on average wages by sector is based on official data from the South African Statistics Department.

In conclusion, we note that the income tax rate in South Africa ranges from 18 to 45%. At the minimum rate is taxable income of less than 237,100 rand per year, and at the maximum rate of income over 1,817,001. By the way, the unemployment rate in South Africa in 2023 reaches 35%.


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