In recent years, Poland has consistently ranked first in the European Union in terms of the number of residence permits issued to foreigners. This trend is likely to continue in 2025. The lion's share of immigrants move to Poland for employment purposes. Citizens of Ukraine hold the undisputed leadership in this flow. Hundreds of thousands of labor migrants are counted. And these are only official statistics.
To carry out legal professional activities in Polish companies, applicants from third countries (from outside the EU) must first open a work visa to Poland. This is a mandatory condition. In general, local authorities are interested in attracting applicants from neighboring countries that can fill the gaps in the Polish labor market, which will have a positive effect on the Polish economy. Next, let's find out how to get a work visa to Poland in 2025.
Registration of a work visa to Poland
Of course, the issuance of a huge number of work visas is primarily related to the economic interests of the Polish state. After Poland joined the EU, young educated Poles rushed to more developed European countries and many industries began to experience a shortage of labor. There was a significant demand for qualified specialists, holders of construction and working professions, medical workers.
The average salary in Poland in 2025 after taxes is 1,355 euros per month. The minimum figure from January 1 is equal to – 1,095 euros. Not the limit of dreams, but for some labor migrants quite decent money. Moreover, foreigners with in-demand qualifications and experience can earn much more. Official work in Poland will allow you to move freely within the Schengen area and enjoy other benefits of the European Union.
In most cases, a work visa to Poland for foreigners becomes available only if there are no applicants for the vacancy among locals, EU, EEA and Swiss citizens. Nevertheless, unlike many other European countries, it is much easier to find a job in the Polish labor market.
For example, the norms of the current legislation of Poland provide for the possibility of hiring workers from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Armenia for a period not exceeding 180 days a year without a special work permit.
As you know, demand gives birth to supply. The excitement with Polish work visas has contributed to the emergence of many intermediary organizations and fictitious companies, which for a certain fee are ready to issue a visa in the shortest possible time. We advise you to be careful with such offers. Try to apply for a work visa to Poland on your own. If the initial goal is to earn money legally, it is not difficult at all.
Procedure for obtaining a work visa and labor migration to Poland
Finding an employer and concluding an employment contract.
Registration of a work permit.
Opening a work visa.
Moving and obtaining a residence permit.
The decision to issue a work permit to a foreign job seeker in Poland is made by the Voivodeship Administration at the request of a local company. As a rule, no Poles or Europeans should respond to the vacancy within 15-21 days. For this purpose, a special test is conducted among persons registered with the Polish Labor Office. The working conditions and salary level offered to foreigners from third countries must comply with Polish standards.
Important. In practice, Polish employers very often underestimate payments to migrant workers. Take this fact into account when signing a contract.
For some categories of professions scarce for the Polish labor market or unskilled workers (household helpers) no special test is conducted. On average, the processing of applications for work permits in Poland takes from 30 to 60 days.
The period of validity of the document is limited by the terms of the contract, but usually does not exceed 1 year and can be extended up to 3-5 years if necessary. After a positive decision is made, the foreigner applies to the Polish Consulate in his/her country for a work visa.
Note. In case of loss of employment, the foreigner is not obliged to leave the territory of Poland. Within two weeks, the foreigner must notify the Voivodeship Administration in writing and try to find a new employer within 30 days.
Documents for a work visa to Poland
For employment and stay in Poland for more than 3 months a national visa (type D) is usually issued, which is valid for up to 1 year and allows you to stay in other Schengen countries for up to 90 days.
A completed visa application form. Sometimes online pre-registration is required.
Two color photos (3.5 x 4.5 cm.) taken within the last 6 months before applying for a visa. One photo is glued on the application form.
A passport not older than 10 years with two blank pages and validity period exceeding the period for which the visa is issued by at least 3 months. Plus a copy of the first page.
Original and a copy of the civil passport.
Medical insurance with coverage from 30 thousand euros.
Documents (original and copy) confirming the grounds for staying in Poland (work permit, work contract, statement of intent to employ a foreigner).
Receipt of payment of the consular fee.
Polish diplomatic officials may request additional or clarifying information. The standard term of consideration of documents for a work visa to Poland is 5-6 calendar days.
Accelerated procedure – 2-3 days. The maximum period cannot exceed 60 days.
Important. National Polish visa allows you to work for 6 months a year, so for longer employment after moving you should apply to the Office for Foreigners of the Voivodeship at the place of registration and obtain a temporary residence permit in Poland.
Cost of work visa and types of work permits in Poland
The official price for a work visa to Poland (consular fee) in 2024 varies from 0 to 70 euros and depends on the nationality of the applicant.
Note that in case of refusal to issue a work visa to Poland, the amount of the fee is not returned to the foreigner.
Types of work permits in Poland
Type A – issued to foreigners working in Poland on the basis of a contract with a local employer.
Type B – issued to foreigners planning to perform the functions of managing Polish companies and stay in the country from 6 to 12 months.
Type C – issued to foreigners to work in branches or representative offices of foreign companies in Poland for a period of more than 30 days.
Type D – issued to foreigners representing companies from abroad for short-term work on Polish territory.
Type E – issued to foreigners not related to Polish employers for a period of 3 to 6 months, if none of the above permits can be applied.
EU Blue Card to Poland
Certain categories of foreign workers with high qualifications and experience can obtain an EU Blue Card to Poland. The following conditions are stipulated for this purpose:
A contract with a Polish company for a period of at least 1 year.
Confirmation of high professional qualifications.
The level of salary in the labor contract is higher than the national average (set by a special regulation of the Polish Ministry of Interior).
Availability of a place of residence in Poland.
The Blue Card is valid for 3 months longer than the period of work specified in the contract, but cannot exceed 3 years. After 2 years the applicant can change the employer or the type of work permit.
Denial of a work visa (work permit) to Poland
The most common reasons for denial of work visas or work permits in Poland are as follows:
The applicant is included in the register of foreigners banned from entering Poland.
The level of education and qualifications do not allow the foreigner to perform labor activity in the position specified in the contract.
The facts of document forgery or other false information have been discovered during the visa application process.
The employer has a dubious reputation. For example, the employer has been prosecuted for illegal employment of foreigners before.
The employer has incorrectly drawn up documents for issuing a work permit in Poland.
Control over the employment of foreigners in Poland
The local Border Guard Service and the National Labor Inspectorate monitor the legality of employment in Poland by workers from abroad. Employees of these agencies periodically carry out raids. They check the availability of work permits and the compliance of the functions assigned to foreign specialists with the terms of the contract. If violations are detected, employers face fines of 3-5 thousand zlotys and job seekers 1-5 thousand zlotys with subsequent deportation from the country.