Montenegro is a small country, located in the south-eastern part of Europe in the west of the Balkan Peninsula. It is washed by the Adriatic Sea and borders with Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, and Albania. It is one of the most popular European destinations among tourists from the post-Soviet area.

Salary in Montenegro

The population of Montenegro is about 626.2 thousand people. At the same time, the annual flow of foreigners visiting the local resorts is several times higher than the number of residents. Not surprisingly, the main areas for employment are tourism, as well as construction. Next, Let's find out what salaries in Montenegro in 2024.

Minimum salary in Montenegro

According to the Montenegrin Tax Administration and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the minimum wage in Montenegro in 2024 is 532.5 euros per month. After all tax and social deductions, 450 euros remain. Annually, local workers receive 6,390 euros.

Comparing 2022 to 2023, the minimum wage in Montenegro has not changed, but with 2021 it has increased by 201.2 euros or 60.73%. In addition, in 2022, health contributions were abolished, a tax-free part of gross salary up to 700 euros was introduced, and the tax rate on salaries over 1000 euros was increased from 9 to 15%.

If we compare the monthly minimum salary in Montenegro with neighboring countries, Croatia receives a minimum of 840 euros, Bosnia and Herzegovina 596 marks (305 euros), Serbia 40,020 dinars (340 euros), Albania 40,000 lek (385 euros). Thus, the minimum salaries of Montenegrin workers today are among the highest in the region.

Average salary in Montenegro

According to official information from the local statistical office, before taxation, the average salary in Montenegro in 2024 is 1,026 euros per month. After tax deductions at the disposal of the employee remains 821 euros. Compared to the same period last year, Montenegrins began to earn 86 euros (gross) and 64 euros (net) more.

The highest average salaries in Montenegro are recorded in financial and insurance activities – 1,568 euros per month. The lowest average salary is in the field of administrative and support services – 732 euros per month.


Sector of economy Euro per month (gross)
Financial and insurance activity 1,568
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 1,439
Mining 1,181
Health care and social work 1,173
Real estate operations 1,170
Information and communication 1,143
Education 972
Public administration and protection 967
Construction 901
Transportation and storage 894
Fishing, agriculture and forestry 873
Art, entertainment and leisure 848
Accommodation and meals 840
Water supply, sewerage and waste management 818
Professional, scientific and technical activity 794
Wholesale and retail trade 764
Manufacture 737
Administrative and support services 732
Others 807

In general, salaries in Montenegro are significantly lower compared to developed European countries. At the same time the unemployment rate is about 15%, and the income tax rate in Montenegro in 2024 is 9%.


# Amar jit 2023-05-07 17:27
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