The French Republic is a prosperous European country with a long history and tradition, a high quality of life and a stable economy. Issues related to increasing employment, fair wages and equal working conditions for every worker have always been a priority for local authorities. After the presidential and parliamentary elections, this topic has become even more urgent.

Finding a job in France is a dream for thousands of migrant workers. In addition, French salaries attract a lot of specialists from quite favourable EU countries. Many foreign entrepreneurs successfully conduct business in France, and foreign students receive high-quality education in prestigious French universities.

Salary in France

One of the main obstacles to the development of the labour market in France is considered to be unemployment, which in 2024 is 7-8%. For example, in Germany and Great Britain this figure does not exceed 3-6%. For several years, the French government has been trying to implement a number of labour reforms, including those aimed at job creation.

But the effectiveness of the introduced measures raises doubts among local trade unions, which eventually leads to many strikes and demonstrations. Next, we will find out what is the minimum and average salary in France in 2024, tax rates, cost of living, level of labour remuneration by profession and city.

Minimum salary in France

According to the French government, the official minimum wage in France in 2024 (from 1 January) is 1,766.92 per monthbefore taxes. After compulsory tax and social contributions, €1,398.69 remains at the disposal of the local worker. The hourly rate is €11.65. The annual income of a full-time French professional cannot be less than 21,203 euros or 16,784 euros after taxes. Note that today the working week in France lasts 35 hours.

The right to receive the minimum wage in France is guaranteed to every employee regardless of nationality, race, gender and other factors. This provision is fixed in the collective agreement. Even if the labour contract provides for a lower amount, the employer is obliged to pay the difference. The minimum wage rate in France is reviewed annually as of 1 January. In addition, the government may decide to increase it at any time.

There are some exceptions to the French minimum wage system:

  • young workers under 17 years of age with less than 6 months of experience can receive 80% of the minimum wage;

  • experienced young workers between the ages of 17 and 18 can receive 90% of the minimum wage;

  • «students» can receive 27% to 100% of the minimum wage, depending on age and experience;

  • trainees may earn nothing at all, but should receive what is known as a gratification de stage. If the internship lasts more than two months, the employer must pay the trainees a minimum allowance, which is currently 3.90 euros per hour or 591.49 euros per month (if full-time).

Compared to 2023, the monthly minimum wage in France has increased by just €57.64. It was 1,709.28 euros, became 1,766.92. That is an increase of just over 3%. Young French people aged 16 to 25 who have problems with employment are entitled to a special allowance (garantie jeunes) in the amount of 460 euros per month. This innovation has been in force since 2017.

Average salary in France

Average pay in France is not regulated at the state level. The optimal amount of remuneration is established through negotiations between the employee and the employer, after which it is fixed in the labour contract. The minimum rates in the country, overtime work, various bonuses and allowances are taken into account.

In addition, the income of a specialist is influenced by education, experience and qualifications. Much depends on the industry, profession, company capabilities and region. For example, working in Paris will provide a higher salary than in many other cities, about 2,700 euros net. The region with the highest salary in France is Ile-de-France (over €3,000 per month). Much less is earned in Hauts-de-France (less than €2,300 per month).


Paris 40,000
Lyon 38,000
Strasbourg 37,000
Lille 36,500
Nice 36,000
Marseille 35,000
Bordeaux 35,500
Nantes 34,000
Toulouse 33,000
Rennes 32,000

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Research, the average salary in France in 2024 is 3,085 euros per month. After paying taxes, the employee has about 2,400 euros at his disposal. Income depends largely on education, experience, skill level, sector, profession, employer and region.


Sector of economy Euro per month
Senior Management 7,230
Leasing 4,520
Information Technologies 4,335
Law 3,815
Banking 3,735
Connection 3,665
Pharmaceutical Industry 3,515
Quality Management 3,455
Marketing, advertising, PR 3,365
Economics, Finance, Accounting 3,300
Construction and real estate 3,245
Insurance 3,230
Mining, metallurgy 3,225
State administration, self-governance 3,115
Chemical Industry 3,100
Electric Power Industry 3,080
Mechanical Engineering 3,050
Automotive Industry 3,005
Water Resources Management, Forestry, Environment 2,940
Production 2,745
Journalism, printing and media 2,740
Medicine and social care 2,710
Education, Science and Research 2,705
Safety and protection 2,640
JArt and Culture 2,630
Transport, Logistics 2,605
Woodworking industry 2,520
Agriculture, food industry 2,375
Tourism, gastronomy, hotel business 2,305
Scope of services 2,245
Textile, leather, sewing industry 1,915

The highest paid professions in France are related to the field of governance. Monthly salaries of board members of large companies can reach up to 20,000 euros. In comparison, ordinary workers in the tourism and service industries earn up to 2,000 euros. By the way, French police officers on average earn more than 6,000 euros a month, which is one of the highest in Europe.


Practising doctor 9,800
Company manager 9,600
Broker 9,500
Civil servant 8,500
Air transport pilot 7,300
Financial counsellor 6,250
Lawyer 6,100
Police officer 6,000
Accountant 3,500
Engineer 3,400
Builder 3,300
Programmer 3,250
Researcher 2,750
Translator 2,500
Unskilled workers up to 2,000


    • Medical professionals

    • Corporate executives

    • Programmers

    • Financial services professionals

    • Engineers

    • Lawyers

    • Business consultants

    • R&D experts

    • Marketing and Sales directors

    • Airline pilots

Payroll taxes in France

France has a progressive income tax scale. That is, the higher the salary, the greater the amount you have to pay to the state. The minimum amount of annual income, which is not subject to taxation is 11,294 euros. The remaining part is taxed at the rate of 11 to 45%. Therefore, the actual amount of income tax becomes less.

In addition, payroll taxes in France are reduced at the expense of dependent children, and the legislation provides a number of benefits for low-income individuals.

Income tax in France in 2024

Annual income (euros) Tax rate (%)
Up to 11,294 0
From 11,294 to 28,797 11
From 28,797 to 82,341 30
From 82,341 to 177,106 41
More than 177,106 45

In general, due to all sorts of benefits and subsidies, about half of French residents pay no income tax at all, and the 45% rate applies to less than 1% of citizens.

Cost of living in France

Compared to many EU countries, including Italy and Spain, living in France is very expensive. The main reason is Paris, which is one of the most expensive cities in the world. In the southern regions of the country, especially in the countryside, the cost of living is quite reasonable.

Basic expenses in France are:

  • Rent: 700-1,000 euros per month for a one-bedroom flat in the centre.

  • Utility bills: 150-200 euros per month.

  • Food: 200-300 euros per month per person.

  • Transport: 70-100 euros per month by public transport or 100-200 euros per month by car.

  • Internet/mobile phone: 50-60 euros per month.

  • Clothing and leisure activities: 500-700 euros per month.

In conclusion, according to Eurostat, men in France earn 13.9% more than women. This is the average figure in the European Union. For example, in Estonia the gap is 21.3% and in Italy 4.3%.

Frequently asked questions about salaries in France:

  1. What is the average salary in France?

    • Before taxes, the average salary in France in 2024 is €3,085 per month.

  2. What is the minimum wage in France?

    • The minimum wage in France in 2024 is €1,766.92 per month.

  3. What is the highest earning job in France?

    • The highest paying jobs in France are doctors, company directors and computer programmers.

  4. Which job brings the lowest income in France?

    • The lowest income in France is received by representatives of unskilled labour – cleaners, waiters, cooks' assistants, loaders, shop assistants, maids and so on.

  5. What is the average salary of programmers in France?

    • The average income of programmers in France is estimated at 40,000-50,000 euros per year.

  6. What is the payroll tax in France?

    • The income tax rate in France depends on annual income and ranges from 0% (income up to €11,294) to 45% (income over €177,106).

  7. What is the average salary in Paris?

    • The average salary in Paris in 2024 is €3,300 per month before tax.