Although Italy has one of the largest economies in the European Union, the local labour market is experiencing serious problems. First of all, there is high youth unemployment (more than 20 per cent in 2024), income inequality between different social groups and low employment rate in the country as a whole (60%). Nevertheless, the average salary in Italy is at a fairly high level and many foreigners seek employment in Italian companies.

Salary in Italy

During the last 5-7 years the Italian government has been taking effective measures aimed at stabilising economic indicators, creating additional jobs and increasing employment among Italian university graduates. Today unemployment is 4-5% and the situation is noticeably improving. Further, we will find out what is the minimum and average salary in Italy in 2024, compare incomes by profession, city, age and highlight the current tax rates.

Minimum salary in Italy

Italian authorities do not legally regulate the level of minimum wages in the country. The rates are fixed in collective agreements between employers and trade unions and depend on the specific sector of the economy. Today, about 80% of workers in Italy are covered by such agreements and are to some extent protected from wage discrimination.

Important. Minimum wage rates in Italy range from €6.52 per hour in the cleaning services sector, to €7.48 per hour in the tourism sector.

Article 36 of the Italian Constitution states that wages must be proportional to the quality and quantity of work done and high enough to provide a living wage for the worker and his/her family. In general, the minimum wage in Italy in 2024 is not lower than 800-900 euros per month, but in fact Italian companies offer salaries in excess of 1,000 euros.

This year, with a population of about 58.8 million people, the number of officially employed persons in Italy is about 23.8 million, and unemployed about 1.9 million. Most often, salaries are almost at the minimum level are set not only in the field of unskilled labour, but also for local professionals aged 18 to 24 years. Therefore, a huge number of young Italian citizens go abroad to work.

Average salary in Italy

In terms of average salaries, Italy is ahead of many EU countries, such as Spain and Cyprus, but behind more successful countries, including Germany and France. According to Italian statistical agencies, the average salary in Italy in 2024 is €2,915. The annual income of a local worker is around €35,000. The amounts are before taxes.

Important. After income tax and Social Security Fund contribution, the average salary in Italy in 2024 is €2,000 per month (€24,000 per year).


Banking and finance 3,605
Pharmaceutical and biotechnical industry 3,275
Engineering 3,185
Oil and Gas 3,175
Information technology 3,010
Insurance 2,975
Aeronautics 2,930
Automotive 2,385
Fashion and luxury 2,380

It is actually quite difficult to derive average pay in Italy. The country is very diverse in this respect. You need to take into account the profession, industry, education, skill level, gender, age of the employee and the specific region. For example, according to the local statistical office, in the south of Italy the average income is about 1,700 euros per month (net), and in the north more than 2,200.

Important. Migrant workers earn in Italy on average 30% less than locals.

The annual salary in Sicily in the region of 26,000 euros, and in Lombardy about 38,000. In large Italian cities, where the industrial sector, tourism and financial services market are developed, salaries are significantly higher than in the country as a whole. For example, in case of employment in Milan in positions requiring high qualifications, you can expect a net income of over 2,500 euros per month. The situation is favourable in Rome and Turin.


Milan 40,000 3,335
Florence 39,000 3,250
Turin 38,000 3,165
Modena 37,500 3,125
Rome 36,000 3,000
Venice 35,000 2,915
Bologna 34,500 2,875
Pisa 34,000 2,835
Naples 32,000 2,665
Ferrara 29,000 2,415
Taranto 28,000 2,335

In addition to the regional factor, the average pay of Italian workers depends largely on the profession. The gap here is enormous. While top managers and company executives receive up to 8,500 euros a month, ordinary workers earn 1,500-2,000. The salaries of government members exceed 14,000 euros. University graduates in Italy earn on average 2.5 times more than workers without higher education.

According to the official information of the European Commission, women in Italy earn only 4.3 per cent less than men. This is the lowest in the European Union, where the average gender gap is 12.7 per cent. Only Luxembourg is lower, where women have a higher income than men. In the public sector, the gender pay gap in Italy is only 4.7 per cent, while in the private sector it reaches 15.4 per cent.


Chief financial officer 5,000
Engineer 3,030
Doctor 2,900
Programmer 2,700
Accountant 2,500
Dentist 2,450
Chef 2,350
Builder 1,900
Nanny, carer 1,600
Teacher 1,550
Salesman 1,460
Waiter 1,200-1,300


Anaesthetist 5,790
General surgeon 4,915
Commercial airline pilot 4,665
Radiologist 3,540
Investment banker 3,415
Lawyer 3,335
Management consultant 3,230


Under 35 years 2,230
35 – 44 years 2,645
45 – 54 years 2,895
55 – 64 years 3,275
65 years and older 2,265

Payroll taxes in Italy

Italy's taxation system is considered one of the most complex in Europe. For example, income tax is levied at three levels: national, regional and municipal, with the liability calculated at a progressive rate.

Payroll taxes in Italy are withheld from both local residents and non-resident individuals. The difference is that foreign workers who reside in the country for no more than 183 days a year pay taxes exclusively on income earned on Italian territory.

Income tax in Italy in 2024

Annual income (euros) Tax rate (%)
Up to 28,000 23
Between 28,001 and 50,000 35
Over 50,001 43

Regional and municipal income tax rates in Italy depend on the city of residence and range from 0.7% to 3.33% and 0% to 0.9% respectively.

Frequently asked questions about salaries in Italy:

  1. What is the average salary in Italy?

    • Before taxes, the average salary in Italy in 2024 is €2,915 per month.

  2. What is the minimum wage in Italy?

    • There is no minimum wage in Italy.

  3. What is the highest earning job in Italy?

    • The highest paying professions in Greece are doctors, computer programmers and shipping specialists.

  4. What is the lowest paying job in Italy?

    • The lowest income in Italy is received by representatives of unskilled labour – cleaners, waiters, cooks' assistants, loaders, shop assistants, maids and so on.

  5. What is the average salary of programmers in Italy?

    • The average income of programmers in Italy is estimated at 30,000-40,000 euros per year.

  6. What is the payroll tax in Italy?

    • The income tax rate in Italy depends on annual income and ranges from 23% (income up to €28,000) to 43% (income over €50,001).

  7. What is the average salary in Rome?

    • The average salary in Rome in 2024 is €3,000 per month before taxes.


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