Working in Los Angeles in 2025, the largest city in the third largest U.S. state of California, will allow you to immigrate to the United States permanently, make good money and immerse yourself in the unforgettable atmosphere of modern Western culture. It is one of the world's major centers of entertainment, tourism, science, education, information technology and medicine.
The city's economy includes highly developed military, aerospace, oil refining, electrical and automotive industries. Almost each of the above-mentioned fields requires experienced foreign specialists.
Jobs in Los Angeles for foreigners in 2025 are available for both highly skilled workers and applicants with no particular qualifications. A large number of migrant workers find jobs in California as nannies, caregivers, waitresses, drivers, au pairs and so on.
The sunny Californian city with its comfortable climate, a variety of trendy cafes, bars and restaurants, quality medical care and the opportunity to study at the most prestigious American universities attracts foreigners from the various corners of the world. However, you should consider the fact that the cost of living in Los Angeles is very high. For example, real estate prices are 15 to 20% higher than the national average.
Other negative aspects include significant air pollution, crime rate and imperfect (by American standards) transport system. The most popular way for locals to get around is by car. Consider the specifics of employment, job search options, current job openings and salaries in Los Angeles in 2025.
Features of labor migration to Los Angeles
Most foreigners associate Los Angeles with famous California beaches, amazing nightlife, glamorous movie and show business stars, and expensive neighborhoods like Hollywood and Beverly Hills. In reality, this is far from the case. The "City of Angels" is the second most populous city in the country after New York City. It is the most powerful economic and industrial center, where a great number of big business "whales" of the United States are concentrated.
The population of Los Angeles in 2025 is about 4 million people. The city is divided into more than 100 districts and neighborhoods. Some of them are compactly inhabited by separate ethnic groups – Mexicans, Filipinos, Chinese, Koreans, Iranians, Armenians and many other nationalities.
This wide variety of ethnic and cultural background makes it possible for expatriate professionals to adapt to their new environment as quickly as possible, without feeling like an outsider. People from no less than 180 countries speak 140 different languages in Los Angeles. About 40% of the local population is Hispanic, and Spanish is the second most spoken language after English. This should also be taken into account when looking for a job in Los Angeles.
No matter what region of the United States you are planning to migrate to, you should understand that you will end up in the country with the largest economy in the world. Especially when it comes to such a large state as California. Decent wages and career prospects depend directly on the competition in the local labor market. In Los Angeles, the "battle" for jobs is fierce. If you do not have a U.S. Green Card to live and work in the USA, you should plan for a long road to travel and obtain the necessary documents.
It is not a good idea to take the risk of being illegally employed in the United States. American laws allow special services to fight very effectively against such workers and deportation to the home country will be guaranteed. Although, many migrants work in Los Angeles for years illegally and are quite happy with their status. In any case, it is better to find an employer in advance and get one of the many work visas that will allow you to officially perform professional activities in California.
Detailed information about the types of work visas and the requirements for foreigners to work in the United States can be found on the website of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services – USCIS.
How to find a job in Los Angeles
Finding a job in Los Angeles is the most difficult task for a foreigner. If the job seeker does not possess unique skills and does not have a profession, which is considered to be especially scarce in the USA, it is extremely difficult to find a job in the "City of Angels". The fact is that in most cases, American citizens should not apply for a job, and the local Department of Labor is strict about making sure that hiring an employee from abroad will benefit the state's economy. Many employers simply do not want to spend the time and money to process work permits for foreigners.
Most U.S. work visas have special quotas each year. For example, the most popular H-1B visa for skilled foreign workers is issued at a rate of 65,000 per year. That's nationwide. One conclusion is that education, skill level and experience are critical to finding a job in Los Angeles in 2025. Poor English proficiency or a complete lack of skills minimizes your chances of getting a job.
Be sure to try to visit Los Angeles on a tourist visa. The flight and accommodation costs are very often offset by the possibility of getting in touch with an employer more quickly. See the city, talk to the locals. Become a part of a group of like-minded people, also looking for work in California. Visit thematic forums and groups in social networks. Be careful and watch out for job offers from dubious middlemen.
You should be careful of job offers from unscrupulous middlemen. For example, in metallurgy – Reliance Steel & Aluminum, in oil and gas – Occidental Petroleum, in construction – KB Home, in real estate – CBRE Group, in entertainment – Walt Disney Co. Many of them have a shortage of foreign specialists in a variety of professions. Write to employers directly, leave resumes and cover letters of the U.S. standard on official websites.
Job search in Los Angeles
California Department of Employment –
California State Department of Labor –
Professional Social Network –
Popular job search sites in Los Angeles
Notable Los Angeles newspapers
If you can't find a job in Los Angeles without an agent, contact a local staffing agency.
Jobs and wages in Los Angeles
Some reports indicate that one in six workers in Los Angeles is employed in the entertainment and related industries – film, television, music, art and design. More than 500,000 people work in the manufacturing industry. Many professionals work in the port – the busiest in the U.S. and a veritable hub of global commerce. Foreigners should pay attention to searching for a job in Los Angeles in these areas.
As of January 1, 2025, the minimum wage in Los Angeles, California is set at $16.50 per hour for companies with any number of employees. Previously, the amount depended on the number of full-time employees (up to 25 or more). At the statewide level in the U.S., the rate is $7.25. The average wage in Los Angeles in 2025 reaches $5,000 a month. Much depends on the profession and workplace. For example, company managers, experienced financiers and programmers make up to $10,000 or more.
Jobs in Los Angeles in 2025 are available in entertainment, biotechnology, construction, engineering, tourism, fashion, trade, information technology, and the oil industry. More chances to find a job with skilled technicians in large international corporations. Jobs in Los Angeles are often offered as nannies, caregivers, maids, salespeople, and makeup artists. Men can find jobs as drivers and handymen. Pay here is around $2,000 to $3,000 a month.
In conclusion, thousands of young girls and boys are sent to the "City of Angels" each year in the hope of fulfilling themselves in the film industry, modeling and other creative professions. There are all the necessary conditions for this in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, only a few succeed. Take care of yourself and remember that it is very dangerous to work in a foreign country illegally.