Israel is not lagging behind many prosperous countries in Western Europe in terms of wages. The state is developing rapidly, the economy is growing, leading international companies are opening representative offices in Israel, and foreign investors are investing huge amounts of money and successfully doing business in Israel. Moreover, the country is rightfully considered one of the most innovative in the world. Especially in the field of information technology and medicine.

Salary in Israel

Over 5,000 startups are launched in Israel every year and thousands of new jobs are created. Unemployment in the country does not exceed 2-3%. With a population of about 9 million people, the number of officially employed persons over 4.3 million. Not for nothing the flow of foreigners wishing to find work in Israel, every year only increases. About what salary in Israel in 2024, the average and minimum rates, income in different sectors of the economy and regions will learn further.

Minimum wage in Israel

According to official information from Israel's National Insurance Institute (Bituach Leumi), the minimum wage in Israel in 2024 is 5,880.02 shekels per month (about $1,595). Local workers employed 5 days a week should receive a minimum of 271.5 shekels ($74) per day, and 6 days a week 235.2 shekels ($64).

Note. Underpayment or late payment of the minimum wage is a criminal offense in Israel. An employer must not pay less than the current year's minimum wage during the probationary period, internship, or even if the employee expresses a willingness to receive a lower income.

The hourly minimum wage in Israel is 31.6 shekels, equivalent to $8.6 dollars. Note that this is higher than in the United States, where the federal rate is set at $7.25 per hour. In general, over the past 25 years, the minimum wage in Israel has more than doubled. In 1997, Israeli workers received 2,348.88 shekels, and in 2024 they will earn 5,880.02.

Important. Until 2023, the minimum wage in Israel has not changed for 5 years – since April 1, 2018. Rate increases are based on Knesset or government decisions.

According to the law, employees at least 18 years old who are included in the staffing table on a full-time basis can count on the minimum wage in Israel. Note that in the case of employment of 182 hours per month, the minimum wage is 32.3 shekels per hour, not 31.6 shekels, as with the standard 186 hours.

Note. For certain categories of workers, such as teenagers, security guards, banquet hall attendants or people with disabilities, the minimum wage in Israel may differ from the national minimum wage.

Minimum wage in Israel for teenagers/interns

Age Shekels per hour Shekels per week
Under 16 years 23.79 4,116.01
16-17 years 25.49 4,410.02
17-18 years 28.21 4,880,42
Trainees 20.39 3,528.01

Minimum wage in Israel for people with disabilities

Level of working ability (%) Percentage of m/w Shekels per hour Shekels per month
From 19 to 30 30 1,764.01 9.69
From 30 to 40 40 2,352.01 12.92
From 40 to 50 50 2,940.01 16.15
From 50 to 60 60 3,528.01 19.38
From 60 to 70 70 4,116.01 22.62
From 70 to 80 80 4,704.02 25.85
Over 80 100 5,880.02 32.30

Average salary in Israel

According to official figures from Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), the average salary in Israel in 2024 is 13,297 shekels per month ($3,610) before taxes. The figure fluctuates within 100 shekels during the year. Men in Israel earn somewhere between 30-40% more than women. At the same time, the latter are employed fewer hours.

Important. According to Article 1,2 of the Law "On State Insurance" from January 1, 1999, the average salary in Israel from January 1, 2019 should be 10,273 shekels per month ($ 2,865).

Over the past 5 years, the average salary in Israel has increased by 1,900 shekels. The annual growth of the labor force in the country is about 100 thousand people. Among the sectors of the economy on the level of remuneration of labor are leading sphere of information technology, which employs more than 172 thousand specialists with an average income of about 27.4 thousand shekels per month or 7.7 thousand dollars, as well as mining with a salary of about 27.4 thousand shekels (7.6 thousand dollars).

Note. The average income of an Israeli family in 2024 is about 15,500 shekels. If both partners are employed (full-time), the total income is about 20,000 shekels.

A large number of foreigners from different countries permanently reside and work in Israel. Despite the complicated procedure for issuing an Israeli work visa, holders of professions that are scarce for the local economy can count on decent pay.


Sector of economy Shekels per month Dollars per month
Information and communication 27,429 7,465
Mining and quarrying 27,400 7,460
Financial and insurance activity 21,456 5,840
Supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning 20,016 5,450
Professional, scientific and technical activity 16,853 4,585
Public administration and defense 16,631 4,525
Real estate operations 13,398 3,645
Logistics, postal and courier activities 12,626 3,435
Construction 11,621 3,165
Wholesale and retail trade 10,066 2,740
Education 9,044 2,460
Health care and social work 8,920 2,430
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 8,395 2,285
Administrative and support services 6,997 1,905
Arts, entertainment and recreation 6,893 1,875
Accommodation and food services 5,709 1,605

Note. Average salaries in Israel by industry are before taxes (gross).

Salaries in Israel by profession

Salaries in Israel depend on experience, qualifications, specific region and profession. Everything is very individualized. For example, the Israeli crane operator receives from 6 to 9,5 thousand dollars a month. In addition, it matters in what sector of the economy employed a specialist – private or public.


Profession Shekels per month Dollars per month
Power engineers 28,000 7,620
Lawyers 23,000 6,260
Programmers 20,800 5,660
Doctors 15,800 4,300
Engineers 14,800 4,030
Firefighters, police officers 10,000 2,720
Builders 8,800 2,395
Teachers 8,300 2,260
Drivers 7,800 2,125
Cooks 6,800 1,850
Caregivers 6,500 1,770
Security guards 6,000 1,635

Payroll taxes in Israel

It is the employer's responsibility to withhold taxes from the income of employees in Israel. Mandatory deductions from wages are made by all employed persons, including foreign specialists. The country has a progressive income tax, that is, the more an employee receives, the higher the rate.

Income tax in Israel in 2024

Annual income (shekels) Rate
Up to 84,120 10%
84,120 to 120,720 14%
120,720 to 193,800 20%
193,800 to 269,280 31%
269,280 to 560,280 35%
560,280 to 721,560 47%
More than 721,560 50%

Note. According to the law, the mandatory retirement age for men and women in Israel is 67 years.

Social contributions from salary in Israel in 2024

  1. If income exceeds 60% of the average salary:

    • National Insurance – 14.6% (employee – 7%, employer – 7.6%).

    • Health insurance – 5%.

  2. If income is less than 60% of the average wage:

    • National Insurance – 3.95% (employee – 0.4%, employer – 3.55%).

    • Health insurance – 3.1%.

Individual entrepreneurs pay social contributions at rates ranging from 5.97% to 17.83% of monthly income.

Important. After taxes and social contributions, the average (net) salary in Israel in 2024 is about $2,200 per month.

Salaries in the cities of Israel

Israel is a very small state, but depending on the city, access to jobs for foreigners, and accordingly the level of salaries differs. Most often migrant workers seek employment in Tel Aviv, which many call the second Silicon Valley.

Tel Aviv is considered the financial and scientific and technical center of the country, so here you can count on income from 2-3 thousand dollars a month (net) and higher. Even in professions that do not require special qualifications. In addition, higher average salaries in the capital of Israel - Jerusalem and major cities – Haifa and Ashdod.

Average salary in Israel by city

City Shekels per month Dollars per month
Tel Aviv 15,000 4,080
Jerusalem 14,500 3,945
Haifa 14,000 3,810
Petah Tikva 13,500 3,675
Ashdod 12,000 3,265
Holon 11,000 2,995
Netanya 10,000 2,720
Ashkelon 9,500 2,585
Nazareth 9,000 2,450
Herzliya 8,500 2,315
Kfar Sava 8,000 8,000
Hadera 7,800 2,125
Beit Shemesh 7,500 2,040
Modi'in-Makkabim-Reut 7,400 2,015
Nazareth 7,300 1,985

Working week, vacation and days off in Israel

Unlike European countries, the work week in Israel begins on Sunday. The mandatory day off is Saturday (Shabbat). Employers usually follow a five-day workweek, but a six-day workweek – Sunday through Friday – is quite common.

All Israeli workers with a five-day workweek are entitled to at least 12 days of annual paid vacation during the first four years of employment, and those with a six-day workweek to 14 days. After four years, the vacation is gradually increased to 28 days (maximum). In addition, there are 9 paid public holidays in Israel.

Shortage occupations in Israel

According to the Israeli government portal, the most in-demand professions in Israel in 2024 are construction workers, doctors and social workers. In general, labor immigrants can work in the following areas:

  • agriculture sector

  • construction industry

  • industrial sector

  • hotel work

  • ethnic cooking

  • caring for sick and elderly people

Without knowledge of Hebrew and qualifications, it is very difficult to qualify for a high salary in Israel. Mostly it will be hard physical labor as a construction worker, loader, packer, as well as a security guard or caregiver.

Cost of living in Israel

Most migrants note that life in Israel is very expensive. And high prices are set for almost everything – real estate, food, medicine, services and so on.

Basic costs in Israel:
  • Rent: 4,500-5,000 shekels per month ($1,245-1,385) for a one-bedroom flat in the centre.

  • Utility bills: 800-900 shekels a month ($220-250).

  • Food: 900-1,100 shekels a month ($250-300) per person.

  • Transport: 200-250 shekels per month ($55-70) by public transport or $150-200 per month by car.

  • Internet/mobile phone: 150 shekels per month ($40).

  • Clothing and leisure activities: 1,500-2,500 shekels per month ($415-690).

Frequently asked questions about salaries in Israel:

  1. What is the average salary in Israel?

    • Before taxes, the average salary in Israel in 2024 is 13,297 shekels per month ($3,610).

  2. What is the minimum wage in Israel?

    • The minimum wage in Israel in 2024 is 5,880.02 shekels per month ($1,595).

  3. What is the highest earning job in Israel?

    • The highest paying professions in Israel are energy workers, lawyers and computer programmers.

  4. What job brings the lowest income in Israel?

    • The least in Israel receive representatives of unskilled labour – cleaners, waiters, nannies, salesmen, maids and so on.

  5. What is the average salary of programmers in Israel?

    • The average income of programmers in Israel is estimated at 20,800 shekels per month ($5,660).

  6. What is the payroll tax in Israel?

    • The income tax rate in Israel depends on annual income and ranges from 10% (income up to 84,120 shekels) to 50% (income over 721,560 shekels).

  7. What is the salary in the Israeli army?

    • Soldiers on combat duty receive a monthly salary of 2,647 to 3,276 shekels ($730-$905), while logistics officers receive 1,327 shekels ($365). Depending on rank, officers earn between 9,000 and 23,000 shekels a month ($2,490-$6,365).


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