The Republic of Cyprus is a small island state in the Mediterranean Sea, located near Turkey, Egypt and Syria. The population of Cyprus in 2025 is just over 1.3 million people. Due to certain historical events, the island was actually divided into several parts, with Greek Cypriots living in the south and Turkish Cypriots in the north. Some other nationalities are also represented, such as Armenians and Russians. The country has two official languages – Greek and Turkish, and most locals are fluent in English.
Jobs in Cyprus for foreigners in 2025 are usually in the tourism and service industries. The island is considered one of the most popular tourist destinations throughout the Mediterranean. Since 2004, the country is a member of the European Union, and in 2008 joined the euro zone.
In recent years, the economy of Cyprus is experiencing hard times and the government is forced to turn to international creditors. Nevertheless, experts predict that in 2025 there will be positive dynamics, such as a small increase in GDP. Unemployment in Cyprus is about 6-8%, which creates additional competition for prestigious jobs.
Employment in Cyprus for foreigners
To get a legal job in Cyprus, foreigners from third countries have to find an employer and sign a contract of employment beforehand. On this basis, a work permit is issued and a work visa is obtained.
As a rule, a Cypriot company receives a work permit for a foreign employee. For this purpose, a special application form and a list of approved documents are submitted to the Civil Registry and Migration Department or the Aliens and Immigration Department of the local police.
Documents for a work permit in Cyprus
Application form (M.58 and M.64).
A copy of the foreign passport of the foreign worker.
Health insurance.
Criminal record certificate.
Copy of the employment contract, stamped by the Department of Labor and Social Security of Cyprus.
In case of deportation, confirmation from financial institution in the foreigner's country of availability of at least 350-950 euros in the account.
Payment of the state filing fee (about 40 euros).
One of the main conditions for issuing a work permit in Cyprus to applicants from third countries will be the absence of the required specialists among local residents and EU citizens. It is considered a big plus to have a profession from among the scarce.
Usually a foreigner should have sufficient qualifications, work experience, have a good command of English and, if possible, Greek and Turkish languages. Of course, much depends on the vacancy. In general, in Cyprus it is possible to find a job for skilled workers, as well as professionals with low skills.
According to the Cyprus legislation different work visas are available and depending on the professional activity of the foreigner (self-employment or wage-earning) there are categories from A to F. Ordinary permanent employment in Cyprus implies the issuance of a working visa category E.
The work permit is usually initially issued for 12 months and is renewable. No later than 8 days after arrival in the country you must apply for a residence permit, which is issued within 6 months.
In order to obtain the citizenship of Cyprus will require permanent residence in the country for at least 5-7 years. However, there are also more expedited procedures, for example, with the help of major investments in the local economy.
How to find a job in Cyprus. Finding a job without intermediaries.
As mentioned above, to successfully find a job in Cyprus for foreigners with a high probability to pass the test for recognition of qualifications and to learn at least enough English to perform labor activities. It is worth noting that specialists with degrees from British universities are in particular demand on the Cyprus labor market.
It is very important to choose only official ways of employment, otherwise a foreigner will face heavy fines and a long-term ban on entry into the country. If you can not find a job on their own in Cyprus, you can use the services of intermediary agencies. It is advisable to apply to such companies on the protection of friends or relatives who have experience in this country.
Job search options in Cyprus
First of all, visit the official website of the Department of Labor of Cyprus – This resource is mostly designed for locals and Europeans, but citizens from third countries can also find a lot of useful information for themselves and get acquainted with the general situation in the labor market.
Popular job hunting websites in Cyprus
Newspaper websites in Cyprus
Use to find a recruitment agency or a specific Cyprus company to approach you with a job offer directly.
Seasonal jobs in Cyprus are very popular, especially during the summer. A good way to find a job would be to travel to the resort areas as a tourist, where there is a potential employer and you can go for an interview.
Jobs and wages in Cyprus
In 2025 the average salary in Cyprus is about 2,693 euros per month before tax. Today, this is the average in the EU. For example, less than in Germany or Italy, but more compared to Portugal or Greece.
Due to economic problems, over the past few years alone, Cypriot incomes have fallen by about 15%. The official minimum wage in Cyprus from January 1, 2024 is 900 euros, and after 6 months of work for one employer rises to 1000 euros per month.
Among the popular jobs in Cyprus in 2025, stand out the IT, engineering professions and telecommunications. It is worth paying attention to major Cyprus companies – MTN Cyprus, Joannou & Paraskevaides, KEO Ltd.
There are jobs in the construction industry, trade and industrial sector. However, lately it has become much more difficult to find a job in these fields. It is possible to earn here more than 2,000 euros per month. This applies to skilled professionals.
Jobs in Cyprus in the field of unskilled labor are in much higher demand among foreigners from third countries. For example, work in the hotel and restaurant business, hotels, casinos.
For example, waiters earn up to 1,000 euros a month, cooks up to 1,500 euros. You can also find work in Cyprus, the maid, nanny, nurse, croupier, security guard, loader, animator, master of manicure and some other professions.
In conclusion, it should be noted that employment in Cyprus is not only a way to earn money, but also the opportunity in their free time to enjoy the comfortable climate and plenty of places for outdoor activities.