The Czech Republic is a former socialist country, a member of the European Union since 2004, with a comfortable location in central Europe. If you do not take into account the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, it is safe to say that the Czech economy over the past decade shows a steady pace of development. The country has a favorable climate, good infrastructure, and transparent laws, which contributes to the inflow of not only migrant workers, but also foreign entrepreneurs who are starting their own business in the Czech Republic.
The main emphasis of the Czech economy is aimed at industrial development, where the lion's share is automotive industry. Each year the country annually produces more than a million cars of world-famous brand Skoda, about 80% of which are exported. Also well-developed metallurgy, electrical engineering, electronics, construction, pharmaceuticals and information technology. The services are dominated by the financial sector and tourism in the Czech Republic is something to see.
Jobs in the Czech Republic for foreigners in 2025 is available for medical professionals and specialists in the field of tourism, often requiring construction workers, engineers and in principle the owners of skilled trades, scarce for the local labor market. The unemployment rate in the Czech Republic is below 3%, and there is virtually no inflation. The country has high social standards, low crime rate and quality medicine.
Property prices in the Czech Republic, including the rental, is quite acceptable. Czech cities are very beautiful, with many architectural structures and other cultural attractions, including fine dining. All in all, the conditions for immigration are quite suitable. Next, let's look at the features of labor migration to the Czech Republic, requirements for foreigners, job search options without intermediaries, highlight available jobs and salaries in the Czech labor market in 2025.
Features of employment in the Czech Republic
To successfully search for a job in the Czech Republic in 2025 you should thoroughly evaluate your chances for employment. First of all, pay attention to the following factors:
Language skills. It is a well-known fact that you can forget about a prestigious and well-paid job in the Czech Republic if you don't speak Czech well enough. If we are talking about unskilled labor, here, too, minimal speaking skills are simply necessary. Besides, it is also required for everyday life in solving everyday problems.
After moving to a foreign country, in addition to employment, will have to solve a lot of other problems associated with immigration. Knowledge of English and, to a lesser extent, German also does not hurt. Work in the Czech Republic without knowledge of the language – it is certainly a losing option for a migrant worker.
Education. The diploma of higher education obtained in the CIS countries requires special confirmation (nostrification). For this purpose, it is necessary to find a Czech university that has accreditation in the required field of study and send the required documents to the institution. Specify the list of documents at the specific university.Â
For the recognition of some diplomas, e.g. medical professions, you have to pass additional examinations. If you have only a diploma of a non-state university, you can not count on the confirmation of qualifications.
Work Experience. Alongside the knowledge of the Czech language and a university degree recognized in the Czech Republic, you also need work experience to find a suitable vacancy. Unfortunately, the chances of a successful job placement immediately after graduation from a Czech university are nil.
Competition. The official unemployment rate in the Czech Republic is around 5%. As in other European countries, the state, first of all, cares about employment of its citizens. It is approved on the legislative level.
To qualify for a job in the Czech Republic in 2025, you must have a scarce specialty or have an undeniable professional advantage. Or it will be a job that locals or Europeans simply do not accept because of poor conditions and low pay.
Search for a job in the Czech Republic without intermediaries
Currently there are a large number of employment agencies in the Czech Republic, both foreign and Czech. Finding a job in this way can be effective, but in most cases there is a huge risk of running into scammers. Use the services of recruiting companies can only be on the protection of friends and acquaintances, but it is better to contact the official agencies of the Czech Republic, which has a special license from the local authorities.
Next, you will learn how to find work in the Czech Republic for the foreigners from third countries in 2025 by yourself. The most accessible and reliable way is the Internet.
First visit the official website of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Czech Republic – The database of the section Jobs for Foreigners contains information on available jobs from employment centers all over the Czech Republic. On the website you can register and leave a questionnaire, which can be used by potential employers to find the right employee from abroad. In addition, there is a detailed description of the legal regulations and legislative regulation of employment of foreigners, the procedure for obtaining the EU blue card, current projects, programs and much more.
Popular job search sites in the Czech Republic – is a very famous job portal in the Czech Republic. The search system allows you to find the right job in the right city. The site provides useful tools in the form of a salary comparison service, assistant in creating a CV, a net income calculator and more. – over 23,000 jobs in the Czech Republic, legal advice, employment articles and various tools. – the resource offers about 45,000 jobs in a variety of occupations. There is a section of tips and hints for job seekers in the Czech Republic.
International resources for working in the Czech Republic
Websites of Czech newspapers
Mlada Fronta DNES
Prague Daily Monitor
The largest number of jobs for foreigners are located in major Czech cities, especially in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. Pay particular attention to large companies such as Å koda, CEZ group, Agrofert, Zentiva, Pilsner Urquell, Unipetrol. Make active use of social networks, including professional ones such as, visit thematic forums and contact employers directly. Go to the Czech Republic as a tourist and use this time to find a job, a large number of vacancies in the Czech labor market are not publicly available.
Jobs and wages in the Czech Republic
According to official figures, the average wage in the Czech Republic in 2025 is 46,013 CZK per month (about 1,820 euros). After paying taxes, it is around 1,435 euros. This is a good indicator for Central European countries, for example, more than in Poland or Slovakia. The minimum wage for Czech workers from January 1, 2025 is 20,800 CZK per month (€830).
Among the professions in demand in the Czech Republic in the first place are health care workers. This is due to the outflow of local specialists to countries with higher wages, such as Germany. Therefore, the way to the Czech Republic is open to qualified applicants from third countries in the field of medicine. The average doctor's wages are about 1,500 euros a month. Surgeons earn about 2,500 euros and nurses up to 500-800 euros.
Jobs in the Czech Republic in 2025 are available to holders of technical professions. For example, engineers, metallurgists, chemists, handymen (fitters, welders, electricians), and so on. Here you can earn from 1,500 to 2,300 euros per month.
Next are workers in the field of information technology. The average salary in this sector is about 1,700 euros per month. It all depends on the direction and the company. For example, a system administrator receives around 1,200 euros, and software developers and project managers from 2,000 euros.
As for unskilled work in the Czech Republic, the average level of wages here is as follows:
Waiter – 350 euros
Janitor, security guard, kitchen helpers and attendants – 420-450 euros
Sellers and hotel and restaurant clerks – 460-500 euros
Agricultural workers – up to 700 euros
In 2023 the following spheres are considered perspective fields for work in the Czech Republic: telecommunications, tourism and construction.
Work permit to the Czech Republic
Work in the Czech Republic for foreigners implies a preliminary registration of a work permit. For this purpose it is necessary to find the employer and to sign the labor contract beforehand. As a rule, the application for a work permit in the Czech Republic to foreign applicants is a Czech company.
This procedure is quite complicated, so the foreigner has to try hard to convince the employer of its competitive advantages. In addition to the usual work permit, foreigners can work in the Czech Republic on the basis of the EU Blue Card (for skilled professionals) or the Worker's Card (does not require special qualifications).
In order to obtain a work permit for a foreigner, an employer is obliged to notify the Czech Labour Office of a job vacancy and its main features. Of course, the information must be accurate and correspond to the conditions offered to foreign applicants.
If there are no local or European applicants for the job within a month, the department makes a decision on issuing a work permit. The period of validity of the document usually does not exceed 2 years with the right of extension.