Warm sunny weather, wonderful beaches and low prices attract a large number of tourists from around the world to Mexico. At the same time, many foreigners are considering options for labor migration to this North American state. The last few years, Mexico's economy is growing steadily, increasing foreign investment, and the local government is carrying out competent reforms aimed at improving the competitiveness of the country.

Jobs in Mexico for foreigners in 2025 are available for experienced and skilled workers, mostly in technical professions. Some Mexican industries and services, such as electronics, tourism, logistics and the IT sector, are booming and the local workforce cannot meet the demand for many scarce positions.

In addition, Mexico's economy is closely integrated with the United States and Canada, in particular with a free trade agreement between these countries. It is very common for U.S. businessmen to open companies in Mexican territory, which creates additional jobs for both locals and foreign job seekers. However, living and working in Mexico in 2025 implies many challenges.

Work in Mexico

Income levels for Mexican workers are quite low, the country has high levels of corruption and crime, and the economy is largely dependent on the oil sector and external demand. The legal and judicial systems require significant changes. Unemployment in Mexico is 2-3%.

Next, let's look at options for self-employment in the Mexican labor market, learn the basic requirements for foreigners to be legally employed, and outline the available jobs and salaries in Mexico in 2025.

Features of employment in Mexico

The population of Mexico in 2025 is 131.4 million people. The country ranks 11th in the world for this indicator. Accordingly, more than 50 million Mexicans are the real workforce and potential competition in the local labor market. In addition, the country has a large number of migrant workers from Latin America, mostly unskilled professions. Therefore, it is quite difficult or not realistic to break into this field.

To find a more or less prestigious job in Mexico requires sufficient work experience, education and qualifications. Often foreign diplomas and certificates need to be recognized. Another important factor is the degree of proficiency in a foreign language. Spanish is the official language of Mexico, which is spoken by more than 90% of the locals. For successful employment at least you need to know English at an advanced level.

Procedure of labor migration to Mexico

To be legally employed in Mexico foreigners must first find an employer and obtain a work visa that allows you to perform professional activities on Mexican territory. The document is issued at the Mexican diplomatic office in the country of the migrant worker. Issues related to the issuance of work permits, and therefore work visas, is supervised by the National Institute for Immigration of Mexico (Instituto Nacional de Migración).

Citizens of many countries, in particular, the European Union is allowed to visit Mexico for tourism or business purposes for a period of up to 6 months without prior issuance of visas. It is sufficient to fill out a special immigration form - Forma Migratoria Múltiple upon arrival.

However, for long-term employment in a Mexican company (more than 6 months), all foreigners without exception need to obtain a temporary resident visa with the right to work (Visa de Residente Temporal). To do this, the Mexican employer applies to the Instituto Nacional de Migración with an application to hire a foreign specialist. In case of a positive decision, the applicant has 15 days to apply to the Mexican Consulate for a work visa.

Types of work visas to Mexico

Immigrant visa FM2. Suitable for foreigners planning long-term employment in Mexico, followed by permanent residency. Initially issued for one year, renewable for a maximum of 4 years.

Non-immigrant visa FM3. More common work visa to Mexico for foreigners who do not associate their future with this country in the long term. Allows you to live and work on Mexican territory for one year, with the right to renew for a similar period.

After moving to Mexico within 30 days, you must go to the local immigration office and obtain a residence card. The maximum validity of the document is 4 years, after which it is necessary to apply for permanent residency status or leave the country. More information about the procedure of labor migration to Mexico can be found on the official government portal –

How to find a job in Mexico without intermediaries. Job search.

The main areas for labor migration, where there are jobs in Mexico in 2025 – are the major Mexican cities. For example, the capital city of Mexico City, which together with the surrounding areas is home to about 20 million people. Also pay attention to the cities - Guadalajara, Tijuana and Leon. Be sure to visit Mexico as a tourist, it can be much easier to find a job locally, because many jobs are simply not publicly available.

How to find a job in Mexico

Look for large companies, including international ones operating in Mexico, and write employers directly with job offers. For example, Grupo Modelo, Pemex, Semex, Cemex, Telmex, Falco Electronics, and Meebox. Visit thematic forums and communicate with migrant workers on social networking sites, especially professional ones like

Start your job search in Mexico with the official website of the National Employment Service –, which offers plenty of useful information and advice for job seekers, including those of foreign origin, in addition to jobs.

Popular job search sites in Mexico

International resources for jobs in Mexico

Mexican newspaper websites

EL Gazette

El Economista

El Universal

If you cannot find a job in Mexico on your own, contact a recruiting agency, preferably an international or Mexican one. Local employers very often search for foreign specialists through such companies. For example,

Jobs and wages in Mexico

Jobs and wages in Mexico

One of Mexico's main problems is income inequality among different segments of the local population, and Mexican workers' pay is also very low. The official minimum wage in Mexico in 2025 is 278.80 Mexican pesos per day (about $13). A rate of 419.88 pesos is stipulated for the northern border area.

Much depends on region and occupation, but the average wage in Mexico in 2025 is about 585 pesos a day, the equivalent of $28. Of course, the prospects for high earnings in this country are much lower compared to employment in the United States, Canada, or developed European countries.

Available jobs in Mexico for foreigners in 2025:

  • Skilled IT professionals, especially project managers and developers.

  • Experienced engineers and holders of technical occupations to work in manufacturing.

  • Professionals in the tourism and hospitality industries.

  • Teachers of English.

  • Managers of departments and branches of international companies.

Foreign specialists, with qualifications and experience, can expect to earn a salary in Mexico in the area of 1,000-1,200 dollars a month, rarely anyone can earn more. In the field of unskilled labor to find work in Mexico for foreigners is very difficult. If you do manage to get a job, the level of income is clearly not happy.



# Fahad Anwar 2023-02-25 17:42
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