Spain is not only a popular tourist destination, but also an attractive place to work and live. The country has a highly developed economy, quality medicine and reasonable prices. The system of higher education in Spain is considered one of the best in Europe. Flexible laws allow foreigners to effectively invest in Spanish business and relatively easy to obtain a residence permit in Spain, including when buying property.

Salary in Spain

A significant problem of the country is high unemployment. Unstable labour market negatively affects the level of salaries in Spain and the well-being of the state as a whole. Despite the fact that over the last three years the employment situation has improved considerably, unemployment is still around 11-13%, and among young people the figure reaches 35%. Next, we will find out what the minimum and average salaries in Spain in 2024, tax rates, highlighting income by profession, city and sector.

Minimum wage in Spain

According to the local Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the official minimum wage in Spain in 2024 is €1,134 per month. For example, this is €159 more than in Poland (€975) and €632.92 less than in France (€1,766.92). Compared to last year, the rate has increased by 54 euros.

By the way, the minimum wage in Spain depends on the annual remuneration system. Some Spanish employers pay 14 salaries (double in June and December), with a monthly amount of 1,134 euros, while others pay 12 salaries, in which case the amount is 1,323 euros.

Minimum wage rates in Spain in 2024

  • Per day – €41.4

  • Per month – €1,323 or €1,134 if paid equally over 14 months

  • Per year – €15,876

Legal work in Spain guarantees a minimum wage regardless of gender, age, nature of employment and the terms of the employment contract. The official hourly rate in the country is not established. Note that the standard working week in Spain lasts 40 hours. Therefore, conditionally Spanish workers should earn at least 7.6 euros per hour.

According to the information of the largest Spanish trade unions, about 5.5 million of the local labour force receive the minimum wage. In some sectors of industry in Spain, collective agreements are in place that ensure higher minimum wage rates and generally protect workers' rights.

Average salary in Spain

According to official data from the Spanish Statistical Institute, the average salary in Spain in 2024 is 2,075.43 euros per month before taxes. In annual terms, the amount is equal to 24,905 euros. The monthly cost per Spanish worker (labour cost) reaches 2,755.15 euros. According to official information from the European Commission, Spanish women earn on average 8.7 per cent less than men.

Note. According to Statista, the average salary in Spain in 2024 is €29,113 per year or €2,426 per month.

Given the high share of the shadow sector of the economy, Spanish citizens often receive in hand significantly more than indicated in official sources. In addition, the average salary in Spain differs by region. For example, working in Barcelona will provide income in the region of 3,130 euros per month. In Madrid, the average salary is about 3,190 euros. Significantly less get in Alicante and Cadiz, about 1,850 and 2,165 euros respectively.


City Euro per month
Madrid 3,190
Barcelona 3,130
Valencia 3,100
Malaga 3,085
Seville 3,035
Zaragoza 2,975
Donostia-San Sebastian 2,915
Murcia 2,865
Granada 2,835
Palma 2,810
La Coruña 2,750
Cordoba 2,735
Bilbao 2,700
Cadiz 2,165
Alicante 1,850

The highest average salaries in Spain are for bankers, financiers, insurers, company managers and programmers – from 3,000 to 4,500 euros. Unskilled workers, including migrant workers, earn no more than 1,000-1,500 euros. In addition to education and experience, the level of remuneration in Spain is affected by the age of the specialist. Persons under 25 years of age have salaries up to 1,000-1,400 euros per month, and in the range of 55-59 years more than 2,500 euros.


Sector of economy Euros per year (women) Euros per year (men)
Supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning 44,656.9 54,199.4
Financial and insurance activity 38,521.1 50,049.2
Mineral extraction 32,127.5 35,259.1
Information and communications 30,015.5 35,768.8
Professional and scientific-technical activity 27,709 33,020.5
Public administration and defense 27,391.4 30,582
Water supply, sewerage and waste management 24,010.7 27,628.2
Health care and social services 23,839.4 33,735.1
Production 22,857.8 28,741.2
Education 22,784 25,093
Transport and storage 22,210.8 24,618.8
Construction 20,588.7 22,927.3
Real estate operations 18,488.3 25,392.8
Wholesale and retail trade 17,377.7 23,829.7
Art, recreation and entertainment 15 526.4 19 406.7
Administrative and support services 13,604.1 20,174.9
Accommodation and catering services 13,161.3 16,138.9
Other services 14,001 20,752


Occupation Euros per year Euros per month
Managers and supervisors 51,600 4,300
Experienced engineers 50,400 4,200
Doctors 40,800 3,400
Programmers 38,400 3,200
Scientists 35,880 2,990
Lawyers 30,000 2,500
Teachers 27,600 2,300
Accountants 26,400 2,200
Teachers 25,200 2,100
Security guards 22,800 1,900
Construction workers 21,000 1,750
Nurses 18,960 1,580
Agricultural labourers 18,240 1,520
Architects 18,000 1,500
Social workers 16,800 1,400
Unskilled labour 12,600 1,050


Occupation Euro per month
Doctor (surgeon) 8,500
Orthodontist 8,085
Chief financial officer 7,825
Company director 7,635
Bank manager 5,125
Commercial airline pilot 4,685

Cost of living in Spain

One of the main advantages of Spain in the eyes of potential immigrants is the relatively low cost of living. According to experts, living in the Spanish capital costs 40-50% less than in New York or London. Particularly notable are the reasonable prices for food in Spain, in particular for fruit and vegetables.

Basic expenses in Spain (large city):

  • Rent: 900-1,000 euros per month for a one-bedroom flat in the centre.

  • Utility bills: 100-200 euros per month.

  • Food: 200-300 euros per month per person.

  • Transport: 50-100 euros per month by public transport or 100-200 euros per month by car.

  • Health care: public health care is free for locals, but there is a fee for some services. Private health insurance costs around 50-100 euros per month.

  • Internet/mobile phone: 50-60 euros per month.

  • Clothing and leisure activities: 300-500 euros per month.

Note. Taking into account the average cost of living in Spain for developed European countries, it is enough for one person to receive about 2,500 euros for a comfortable living.

Payroll taxes in Spain

It is the responsibility of the employer to collect income tax (IRPF) and social contributions from the salaries of Spanish employees. The total amount of deductions may vary depending on salary and marital status – presence of children and dependents. Locals (residents) pay taxes on income earned both in Spain and abroad. Foreigners (non-residents) only on income from activities in Spanish territory. Tax rates are set at the state and regional level.

Income tax in Spain in 2024

Annual income (euros) Tax rate (%)
Up to 12,450 19
From 12,450 to 20,200 24
From 20,200 to 35,200 30
From 35,200 to 60,000 37
From 60,000 to 300,000 45
More than 300,000 47

Taxes in Spain for non-residents

For foreign professionals living in Spain for no more than 6 months (183 days) during the year, there is a flat rate of income tax of 24% and 19% for citizens of the European Union and the Single Economic Area. Capital gains, investment interest and dividends – 19%. Royalties – 24%. Pensions are taxed at progressive rates – from 8 to 40%. Property tax in Spain depends on the region and varies from 0.5 to 1.1% of the cadastral value of the object.

Note. Foreigners working in Spain on the basis of a contract with a local company with income up to 600 thousand euros per year, pay tax at a rate of 24%. Annual income over 600 thousand euros is taxed at a rate of 45%. No additional taxes are levied outside the country.

Frequently asked questions about salaries in Spain:

  1. What is the average salary in Spain?

    • Before taxes, the average salary in Spain in 2024 is €2,075.43 per month.

  2. What is the minimum wage in Spain?

    • The minimum salary in Spain in 2024 is €1,134 per month (assuming 14 payments during the year).

  3. What is the highest earning job in Spain?

    • The highest paid professions in Spain are doctors, company directors and pilots.

  4. What is the lowest paying job in Spain?

    • The lowest income in Spain is received by representatives of unskilled labour – cleaners, waiters, cook's assistants, loaders, salesmen, maids and so on.

  5. What is the average salary of programmers in Spain?

    • The average income of programmers in Spain is estimated at 30,000-50,000 euros per year.

  6. What is the payroll tax in Spain?

    • The income tax rate in Spain depends on the annual income and varies from 19% (income up to 12,450 euros) to 47% (income over 300,000 euros).

  7. What is the average salary in Madrid?

    • The average salary in Madrid in 2024 is €3,000 per month before taxes.

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