Nice is considered one of the oldest settlements of Western Europe and the most popular tourist destination in France after Paris. The city is located on the southeastern Mediterranean coast of the country known worldwide as the Cote d'Azur or French Riviera.

Work in Nice

The vast majority of foreigners see this place exclusively as an expensive and glamorous vacation. However, there is a large proportion of migrant workers who try to find a job in Nice and stay in this beautiful city for a long time.

Specifics of labour migration to Nice

Available jobs in Nice in 2025 are primarily related to the tourism industry. This area employs several tens of thousands of applicants from different parts of the world, including EU countries. However, jobs in Nice are not limited only to the service sector. The city's economy includes a well-developed high-tech sector, construction and some industries – food, perfume, electrical, textile.

Nice's population in 2025 is about 340 thousand people. For understanding it is the fifth most populous city in France, and the local airport ranks third in the country in terms of annual passenger traffic. The city hosts a major French university – the University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis, various exhibitions and international events are constantly held. Foreign entrepreneurs often choose this place for investing and doing business in France.

The famous American research company Juniper Research put Nice on the fourth position in the ranking of "The smartest cities in the world". Right behind Barcelona, New York and London and before Singapore. This is a further confirmation of the high innovative potential, the level of technological development, the perfection of the infrastructure and the general attractiveness of Nice, both for residence and for the professional activities of foreigners and French citizens.

Specifics of labour migration to Nice

Official work in France is a long bureaucratic procedure involving a number of requirements from foreign applicants, especially from the so-called third countries, including Ukraine or the Republic of Belarus. Employment in Nice is no exception.

A foreigner must first find an employer, conclude a contract and obtain a work permit from the local Ministry of Labor. Then open a work visa and, in case of long-term employment after registration, obtain a residence permit in France at the Office of Immigration and Integration (OFLI).

How to find a job in Nice

Finding a job in Nice is complicated by the high level of competition with locals and Europeans, who have a priority right for employment without any additional conditions, including special permits and work visas. Therefore, a job seeker must have significant professional advantages, including education, qualifications and experience. Proficiency in French and English is an equally important requirement.

How to find a job in Nice

Simply put, it is almost impossible to find jobs in Nice if they are in their own country. It will take a fair amount of patience, persistence and luck to convince a local employer of your unique skills. Even those foreigners who are already legally in France, for example, live and work in Paris, but want a change of scenery, can hardly find a job in Nice. Nevertheless, everyone has a chance.

The main thing is not to try to get a job in Nice illegally. This is not the best way to improve the financial situation and also a huge risk. If possible, visit the city as a tourist, look around and try to make business contacts. On the Cote d'Azur is quite a lot of foreigners who can act as intermediaries.

Make a competent resume and cover letter, write job offers directly to French companies. Visit thematic forums and groups in social networks. Search for jobs in Nice on the Internet.

Search for jobs in Nice

Professional social network –

French National Employment Agency –

French Ministry of Labor and Employment –

Popular Nice job sites

Finding a job in Nice requires using all available ways and sources of information – from personal contacts with experienced migrant workers to monitoring job databases on specialized websites.

Jobs and wages in Nice

Jobs and wages in Nice

The comfortable Mediterranean climate, 300 sunny days a year, plenty of well-kept beaches, ski resorts, parks and other amazingly beautiful places for recreation attract about 4 million tourists annually to Nice. Accordingly, a large number of workers are involved in this area. In particular, jobs in Nice in 2025 are available for waitresses, bartenders, cooks, maids, instructors, guides and so on.

Of course, competition for jobs in the tourism industry is off the charts. Other types of unskilled occupations to work in Nice are nannies, housekeepers, gardeners, movers, dishwashers. Sometimes domestic helpers are required in the homes of wealthy foreigners living in Nice. There are many shopping centers in the city – Nicetoile, Nice TNL, Northern Forum, St-Isidore, the Trinity and others. It is possible to find a job here as a sales assistant.

One of Europe's leading technology parks Sophia Antipolis, with companies in computer science, electronics, pharmacology and biotechnology, as well as the European headquarters of W3C, is located very close to Nice. Sometimes local employers need qualified engineers and programmers from abroad. The average salary in Nice in 2025 is about 2,000 euros per month after taxes. Even the minimum wage in France is 1,801.80 euros, so you can definitely count on a decent income on the Côte d'Azur.


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