Canada is considered one of the most popular immigration destinations in the world. Hundreds of thousands of foreigners arrive in the country every year to study at Canadian universities, successfully run businesses or work for local companies. Canada has high salaries, and unemployment does not exceed 5-6%. The local economy is developing in different directions and is generally quite stable, so representatives of absolutely different professions can find a job in Canada.

Salary in Canada

Canada is a very prosperous country with vast natural resources, a developed high-tech industry and a strong industrial sector. The population exceeds 38 million people. At the same time, 20 million are the real labor force, of which just over 1 million are officially considered unemployed. Next, let's look at minimum and average wages in Canada in 2024, outline federal tax rates and compare Canadians' incomes by sector, occupation and province.

Minimum wage in Canada

According to the Canadian Constitution, the responsibility for enforcing labor laws at the national level, including setting minimum wage rates, rests with the authorities of the country's ten provinces and three territories. That is, every year, based on inflation, unemployment and other economic factors, officials in each administrative unit revise the current minimum wage standards.

In 2024, Canada's minimum wage ranges from 14 to 19 Canadian dollars per hour, equivalent to $10 to $14 U.S. dollars. In terms of a 40-hour workweek, Canadians earn at least 2,425-3,295 local dollars per month (1,760-2,390 U.S. dollars). The lowest rates are in Saskatchewan ($14) and the highest in Nunavut ($19).

Some categories of Canadian workers are ineligible for the minimum wage. For example, students and the self-employed. In addition, each province sets its own rules that can limit or lower rates for certain occupations. In particular, this applies to construction workers and domestic staff. Today, more than 1.2 million people in Canada are paid the minimum wage.


Province Rate (Canadian dollars per hour) Introduction Date Future changes
Alberta 15 October 1, 2018 –
British Columbia 17.40 June 1, 2024 The rate will increase on June 1, 2025
Ontario 16.55 October 1, 2023 From October 2024 the rate will increase to $ 17.20
Yukon 17.59 April 1, 2024 Adjusted annually relative to the Consumer Price Index (April 1)
Northwest Territories 16.05 September 1, 2023 Adjusted annually relative to the Consumer Price Index
Quebec 15.75 May 1, 2024 The rate will increase on May 1, 2025
Nunavut 19 January 1, 2024 Adjusted annually relative to consumer price index (April 1)
Prince Edward Island 15.40 April 1, 2024 The rate will increase to $16 on Oct. 1, 2024
Nova Scotia 15.20 April 1, 2024 Adjusted annually relative to consumer price index (April 1)
New Brunswick 15.30 April 1, 2024 –
Newfoundland and Labrador 15.60 April 1, 2024 –
Manitoba 15.30 October 1, 2023 –
Saskatchewan 14 October 1, 2023 –

Average salary in Canada

According to official figures from Statistics Canada, the average salary in Canada in 2024 is 1,232.22 Canadian dollars per week ($895 U.S. dollars). That is, before taxes, the average worker earns about 5,340 local or 3,875 U.S. dollars per month. That said, the hourly rates of average wages in Canada vary by age, gender and period of employment.


  • 15 to 24 years old – $20.11

  • From 25 to 54 years old – $36.29

  • Older than 55 years old – $34.63


  • Men – $35.83

  • Women – $31.19

Type of Employment:

  • Full-time – $35.57

  • Part-time – $23.52


Sector of economy Canadian dollars per week
Quarrying and mining, including oil and gas 2,109.95
Utilities 1,879.95
Professional, scientific and technical services 1,680.24
Public administration 1,561.57
Finance and insurance 1,518.63
Construction 1,408.24
Production 1,295.32
Education 1,267.68
Transportation and warehousing 1,219.92
Culture and recreation 1,088.99
Health care and social assistance 1,082.69
Wholesale and retail trade 889.66
Accommodation and meals 540.56
Other services 1,005.75


Province of Canada Canadian dollars per week
North-West Territories 1,503.14
Nunavut 1,474.85
Alberta 1,220.31
Yukon 1,200.17
Ontario 1,113.99
British Columbia 1,107.62
Saskatchewan 1,084.68
Newfoundland and Labrador 1,073.31
Quebec 1,027.73
Manitoba 982.46
Nova Scotia 951.10
New Brunswick 942.73
Prince Edward Island 938.20


Occupation Canadian dollars per month
Dentists 13,000
Lawyers 10,050
Scientists 6,300
Architects 5,740
Teachers 5,565
Health workers 5,220
Electricians 4,850
Financiers 4,560
Specialists in agriculture 4,330
Workers of arts, culture and sports 4,140
Truckers 3,990
Professions in production and public utilities 3,920
Accommodation and meals 540.56
Service personnel 2,935

Note. Average salaries in Canada by sector and province are based on current official Canadian Statistics Office data.

Of course, as in most countries, the salary in Canada depends on the level of education, qualifications, experience, specific employer, province and profession. For example, Canadian doctors before taxes receive more than 10,000 American dollars, and nurses up to 3,000-4,000$, engineers and builders – 5,000-6,000$, teachers and programmers – 3,500-5,000$.

Payroll taxes in Canada

Canada has a fairly efficient and flexible tiered tax system. The amount of payroll deductions depends on the province, which sets different tax rates. Withholding is the responsibility of the employer. Let's highlight the current income tax and social contribution rates in Canada at the federal level.


Annual income Rate
From 0 to $55,867 15%
From $55,867 to $111,733 20.5%
From $111,733 to $173,205 26%
From $173,205 to $246,752 29.32%
Over $246,752 33%

Pension fund 10.20%, including employee 5.10% and employer 5.10%.

Foreign professionals pay the same payroll taxes in Canada as Canadian citizens.


    • Surgeons

    • Dentists

    • Pharmacists

    • Chief Executive Officers (CEOs)

    • Engineers in senior positions

    • Programmers

    • Lawyers

    • Aviation pilots

    • Bankers, financiers

    • Petroleum engineers


City Canadian dollars per month
Calgary 5,290.91
Edmonton 5,190.67
Ottawa 4,798.40
Victoria 4,773.47
Vancouver 4,674.95

Cost of living in Canada

Compared to most countries in the world, living in Canada is quite expensive. The most expensive major Canadian cities are Vancouver, Toronto, Victoria, Calgary and Ottawa.

Basic costs in Canada:
  • Rent: $1,900-$2,000 per month for a one-bedroom flat in the centre.

  • Utility bills: $200-$250 per month.

  • Food: $200-300 per month per person.

  • Transport: $100-120 per month by public transport or $200-300 per month by car.

  • Internet/mobile phone: $150-170 per month.

  • Clothing and leisure activities: $500-700 per month.

Frequently asked questions about salaries in Canada:

  1. What is the average salary in Canada?

    • Before taxes, the average salary in Canada in 2024 is 1,232.22 Canadian dollars per week.

  2. What is the minimum wage in Canada?

    • The minimum wage in Canada in 2024 ranges from 14 to 19 Canadian dollars per hour, depending on the province.

  3. What is the highest earning job in Canada?

    • The highest paying occupations in Canada are medical surgeons, dentists and pharmacists.

  4. What is the lowest paying job in Canada?

    • The lowest income in Canada is received by representatives of unskilled labor – cleaners, waiters, cook's assistants, movers, salespeople, maids and so on.

  5. What is the average salary of programmers in Canada?

    • The average income of programmers in Canada is 70,000-80,000 Canadian dollars per year.

  6. What is the payroll tax in Canada?

    • The income tax rate in Canada depends on annual income and ranges from 15% (income up to $55,867) to 35% (income over $246,752).

  7. What is the salary of a physician in Canada?

    • The average salary for a physician in Canada in 2024 is $150,000-$200,000 per year.


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