The People's Republic of Bangladesh is a large state in southern Asia, washed by the Bay of Bengal and bordering India and Myanmar. Despite significant economic successes over the past decade, including an average annual GDP growth of 6 percent, the country faces several challenges related to political instability, overcrowding, poor infrastructure, corruption, and a low standard of living. Poverty and natural disasters (floods) are also major problems.

Nevertheless, jobs in Bangladesh attract quite a lot of foreigners. Most often migrant workers are interested in jobs at Ruppur NPP, the construction of which began in 2017, and commissioning is planned for 2025. Here one can count on a significantly higher income compared to other sectors of the local economy. Let's look at the specifics of labor migration, job openings, salaries, and how to find a job in Bangladesh in 2025.

Work in Bangladesh

Specifics of labor migration in Bangladesh

The population of Bangladesh in 2025 is 175 million people. It is one of the most populous countries not only in South Asia, but also in the world. About 98% of the locals are ethnic Bengalis. The capital city of Dhaka is home to 10.4 million people. It is in this largest city most jobs in Bangladesh for foreigners.

Bangladesh is dominated by hot humid summers and tropical mild winters. Despite some improvements in recent years, the medical and educational system in the country are still at a low level. The most comfortable conditions for living are created in the capital, but even here the environmental situation is very difficult and street crime is rampant.

The official language in Bangladesh is Bengali, but English is often used in business circles. The dominant religion is Islam, to which about 88.3% of the population adheres. The nature here is very beautiful, including the largest mangrove forests in the world, the Ganges River, thousands of species of plants and animals. By the way, the Royal Bengal tiger is the national animal of Bangladesh.

Working in Bangladesh requires foreigners to meet a number of preliminary requirements. In particular, obtaining a work permit. Given the widespread poverty and shortage of jobs, it is very difficult to obtain this document. As a rule, foreign specialists occupy vacancies in Bangladesh for which locals cannot apply due to lack of qualifications and experience.

Note. Depending on their field of activity, the three government agencies that issue work permits in Bangladesh are the Directorate of Investment Development, the Export Price Regulation Authority and the NGO Bureau.

All questions related to official employment in Bangladesh should be coordinated with the representative office of the diplomatic authority of that state in the candidate's country. The number of foreign workers in the staff of one company, including top management, should not exceed 5% in the industrial sector and 20% in the commercial sector.

Wages in Bangladesh

How to find a job. Jobs and wages in Bangladesh.

About half of the labor force in Bangladesh is employed in the agricultural sector, mainly in rice paddies. Rice is the main product in the country, and for many it is the main source of income and means of survival. The lion's share of export earnings (80%) comes from the garment industry. It is worth mentioning that violations of safety conditions and workers' rights at local factories are everywhere.

In these areas, jobs in Bangladesh for applicants from abroad in 2025 is virtually inaccessible. It makes sense for foreigners to try to find work in finance or industry – nuclear power plants, coal mines and energy companies that produce natural gas. The biggest employers in Bangladesh are Chevron, Unilever Bangladesh and Standard Chartered Bank.

Popular job sites in Bangladesh

For a successful job search in Bangladesh, you need to use as many sources of information as possible, including social media, topical forums, specialized websites and local newspapers. Compose a competent resume/cover letter and contact international companies directly. If possible, visit Bangladesh beforehand as a tourist.

In addition to engineers and construction workers, there are sometimes jobs in Bangladesh for programmers, telecom workers, bankers, financiers, managers, translators, tutors and even salesmen in local stores. In each case, a foreigner is required to have a good command of English. Unfortunately, wages in Bangladesh are very low.

Important. Qualified technicians from abroad can earn from $500-600 per month and more at industrial facilities in Bangladesh (nuclear power plants/mines/factories).

The minimum wage in Bangladesh is 1,500 Bangladeshi taka per month, which is equivalent to $14. This amount must be paid in those sectors of the economy where there is no set minimum. For example, as of December 2023, the rate in the garment industry cannot be lower than Tk. 12,500 or $115. The average wage in Bangladesh in 2025 is about 7,000 to 15,000 taka per month ($65 to $135), and sometimes even less.


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