The United States of America has the largest economy in the world, the efficiency of which is supported by tens of millions of workers in various professions. Moreover, every year the local labor market is replenished with at least one million migrant workers. One of the main motives for applicants from abroad is the high level of income of Americans.
The average salary in the US in 2025 is $4,960 per month, with minimum wages starting at $7.25 per hour, depending on the state. In addition to healthcare professionals, CEOs, pilots, petroleum engineers, lawyers, computer programmers, and government employees have the highest salaries in the country. Next, let's find out what is the salary of the officials and the president of the United States in 2025.
The salary of the President of the United States is set by Congress and, as required by Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, cannot be changed during the President's term of office. In 2001, the annual salary of the President of the United States was increased from $200,000 to $400,000. In addition, the law provided for an additional $50,000 allowance for official expenses.
Thus, in 2025, the salary of the current US President Donald Trump is 400 thousand dollars a year, plus an allowance of 50 thousand. By the way, during his past cadence, the billionaire refused to pay a salary, leaving a symbolic income of one dollar in order to comply with legal requirements. The funds were channelled into the accounts of various government agencies.
In addition to an annual salary and allowance totaling $450,000, the US president can count on a tax-free travel account (transportation expenses) of $100,000, as well as $19,000 provided for official receptions. Other perks include free travel in the presidential limousine, as well as Marine One and Air Force One airplanes.
The American president receives free furnished accommodations at the White House, as well as $100,000 for renovations and improvements to create a home-like environment. Maids, cooks, valets and gardeners are involved in the upkeep of the facility. The President receives free medical care from an official physician who runs the White House Medical Unit.
Important. Presidents and Vice Presidents of the United States, unlike other federal employees, are allowed to receive any gift personally or on behalf of family members, as long as the gift is not extortionate, coercive, or in exchange for any official reciprocation.
The annual income of a government official in the United States depends primarily on the position. All salaries of officials are spelled out in a special United States Code, a compilation of all permanent federal laws. Elected officials on average earn from $193,400 to $400,000 a year, and the salary of appointees depends on the qualification level of the position – from I to V.
U.S. government employee salaries in 2025:
Tier I – $226,300
Tier II – $203,700
Tier III – $187,300
Tier IV – $176,300
Tier V – $165,300
No. | Position | Dollars per year |
1. | Chief Justice of the United States | 280,500 |
2. | Associate Justices of the Supreme Court | 268,300 |
3. | Vice President | 235,100 |
4. | Speaker of the House of Representatives | 223,500 |
5. | Cabinet secretaries | 221,400 |
6. | District judges | 218,600 |
7. | Majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate | 193,400 |
8. | Rank-and-file senators and representatives | 174,000 |
In conclusion, the highest paid profession in the United States is a physician. The average salary of practicing medical professionals is about $84,430 per year. At the same time, anesthesiologists receive the most – $271,440. And the lowest income is for orderlies – $31,780. In some cases, the salary of a doctor in the United States exceeds 500,000 dollars a year. For example, qualified specialists in plastic surgery can count on such earnings.